The Code Henry, issued in 1812, is a detailed and lengthy code legislating life in the kingdom of Henry Christophe.
Baron de Vastey, Le système colonial devoilé (1814)
The following are a collection of 11 documents printed in Haiti (1814-16) during the reign of Henry Christophe from the collections of the Duke University Rare Books, Special Collections, and Manuscripts Library. These pamphlets were all bound together in the 19th century for the US State Department Library.
Réfutation de la lettre du général français Dauxion Lavaysse (1814)
Première[-deuxième] lettre du baron de Dupuy à H. Henry, auteur du pamphlet intitulé: Considérations offertes aux habitans d’Hayti sur leur situation actuelle et sur le sort présumé qui les attend (1814)
Réfutation d’un écrit de Charrault, excolon, intitulé: Coup-d’oeil sur St-Domingue (1816)
Sketches of Hayti; From the Expulsion of the French, to the Death of Christophe (1827)
William W. Harvey’s book, first published in 1827, details the Haitian Revolution and the years immediately following the revolution.
Henry Christophe & Thomas Clarkson; A Correspondence (1952)
Correspondence between King Henri and English abolitionist, Thomas Clarkson. These exhanges of letters provides into Henri’s political philosophies in regards to running his kingdom.
Black Triumvirate: A Study of Louverture, Dessalines, Christophe–The Men Who Made Haiti (1957)
Charles Moran’s study of the important political figures that shaped Haiti during and after the Haitian Revolution.
Here is a link to a French newspaper that republished the text of the Indemnity Law:
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