Welcome to the Fall 2020 semester!
The Divinity School Library is open by reservation only (follow this link to make a reservation). In line with University policy, the Divinity School Library will be open to Duke faculty, staff, and students only. We cannot welcome Duke alumni, Friends of the Library, or other guests and visitors at this time; we apologize.
Divinity School Library hours this semester will be 8am-5pm, Monday – Friday.
You must make a reservation in advance to visit the Divinity School Library. There will be no food or drink allowed in the library this semester (apart from water bottles). All library users will need to wear a face mask, present their Duke ID to Library Staff at the Circulation Desk, and abide by the Duke Compact at all times. Please return any books you handle during your reservation to a marked book cart. Do not hand them to a librarian, and do not attempt to re-shelve them yourself. (We do appreciate the thought! But don’t do it.)
Additional rules and instructions for making a reservation are below. If you are looking for information on how to access library services without coming into the library itself, here are some other pages that might interest you:
Requesting Divinity Library books for pickup
Requesting books from other Duke Libraries
Technology: Printing, Scanning, and Online/Off-site access to Library resources
Duke Libraries’ FAQ on re-opening and resuming services for Perkins, Bostock, Lilly, etc.
Reserving study seats and equipment in other Duke Libraries
Making a Reservation at the Divinity School Library
It is extremely important to your librarians that all Divinity students have space available to do the important, difficult work you are being asked to do for your classes. We also know our students have different needs. Some of you will be doing all your coursework remotely and may want to spend time in the library just once or twice this semester. Some of you will want to be regulars in the library on a particular day of the week, perhaps because you have multiple classes on campus that day. Some of you need to escape noisy roommates or small children so that you can read or write for your classes. And some of you will want to spend every hour of every day in the library. We get it. We want the Divinity Library to be here for all of you.
Right now our Booking system is weighted toward letting a lot of students spend a little bit of time in the Divinity Library. As the semester gets underway and we learn more about students’ library needs, we will adapt. Here are some of the limitations you can expect right now:
- Reservations are available from 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday.
- You can reserve a seat for anywhere between 1 hour and the maximum 7-hour window.
- Bookings are available 14 days in advance. (So you can make a reservation for next Tuesday, but you cannot make a reservation for November. Yet.)
Ready to get started? Go to the Divinity School Library Reservations page and select “Book a Seat.”
Here are a few hints to get you started:
- If you want to reserve a seat in the library ASAP, there is a “Next Available” button.
- If you want to reserve a seat on a specific date, the “Go To Date” button will bring up a calendar, and you can select the date you want.
- GREEN boxes mean a seat is available. RED boxes mean someone has already booked this seat.
- Don’t worry about the numbers (Divinity Seat 1, etc.). You are not reserving a specific seat. Your favorite table in the Reference Room, or carrel on the BR level, will be available on a first come, first served basis during your reservation window.
- All seating in the Divinity Library has been adjusted so that patrons can sit at least six feet apart from one another. Please do not move furniture when you are in the Divinity Library.
- The Baker Room and the Library Seminar Room will be unavailable as study spaces.
- Once you have selected your seat, you can adjust the ending time for your reservation at the bottom of the page. The default reservation setting is 3 hours.
- Hit “Submit Times.” You will be redirected to an authentication page where you will log in with your Duke NetID and password.
- On the final reservation page, you will have to signal your agreement with certain policies (wearing a mask, not bringing in food, etc.).
- Hit “Submit My Booking” at the bottom of the page. You will receive an email shortly from “Library Calendar” confirming your reservation.
Ready to get started? Go to the Divinity School Library Reservations page and select “Book a Seat.” And when you come to the library, remember:
Wear a face mask
Wash your hands (a lot)
Have your Duke ID ready
Return your Books to a Cart (not a librarian)
We look forward to supporting your work at Duke Divinity School this year!