As we look to the 40th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Oscar Arnulfo Romero (March 24, 2020), the witness of the archbishop’s life and death continues to challenge us to listen for the voice of Christ in the cries of the poor and the oppressed. If you feel drawn to learn more about Romero or about liberation theology in a Latin American context, consider reading one of the books on this list, or attending the Duke Graduate Conference in Theology: Engaging Liberation and Reconciliation Through Latin America, taking place March 20-21, 2020. Registration is just $5 for Duke students, and meals are included!
Reading List:
Introducing Liberation Theology, by Leonardo Boff
A theology of liberation : history, politics, and salvation, by Gustavo Gutiérrez, edited and translated by Sister Caridad Inda and John Eagleson
Practical theology of liberation, by Hugo Assmann
Cry of the earth, cry of the poor, by Leonardo Boff, translated by Philip Berryman
No salvation outside the poor : prophetic-utopian essays, by Jon Sobrino
Óscar Romero’s theological vision : liberation and the transfiguration of the poor, by Edgardo Colón-Emeric
Sermons of San Oscar Romero, in English and Spanish, at the Archbishop Romero Trust
A critical introduction to religion in the Americas : bridging the liberation theology and religious studies divide, by Michelle Gonzalez
A theology of human hope, by Rubem Alves
A guide to liberation theology for middle-class congregations, by Charles Bayer
Liberation theology, edited by Roger Nash
Latin American liberation theology, by David Tombs
Liberation theology and sexuality, edited by Marcella Althaus-Reid
The Liberation Theology Debate, by Rosino Gibellini
Liberation theology and the Bible, edited by Pieter G.R. de Villiers
Liberating exegesis : the challenge of liberation theology to Biblical studies, by Mark Corner and Christopher Rowland
Liberation theology in Latin America, by James V. Schall
The Cambridge companion to liberation theology, edited by Christopher Rowland
Liberation theology : an introductory reader, edited by: Curt Cadorette
Pastoral care and liberation theology, by Stephen Pattinson
Radical liberation theology : an evangelical response, by Raymond Hundley
Liberation theology : the political expression of religion, by Ricardo Planas
Liberation theology : a study in its soteriology, by Atilio René Dupertuis
Struggles for solidarity : liberation theology in tension, edited by Lorine M. Getz and Ruy O. Costa
Latin American liberation theology : a bibliography on essential writings, by Svein Helge Birkelflet and Kjell Nordstokke
The practice and theory of liberation theology in Peru, by Arthur Joseph McDonald
The Latino Christ in art, literature, and liberation theology, by Michael R. Candelaria
Our God has no favourites : a liberation theology of the Eucharist, by Anne Primavesi and Jennifer Henderson
The option for the poor in Latin American liberation theology, by Joseph Barry Stenger
Mission between the times : essays, by C. René Padilla