The Age of Reform (1517-1702) witnessed a widespread upheaval of traditional religious beliefs. Centered on questions of authority and of the value of community and tradition, writings like those by Martin Luther sparked a new era of religious, political, and cultural thought. The dynamics among clerical authority, civic authority, and scriptural authority had shifted, allowing new and innovative ways for interpreting religious ideas. Access to vernacular Bibles helped lay people advance in religious thought, consequently producing dissemination. Left with newfound religious freedom, Christendom became more diverse in theological thought. In turn, ways of interpreting theology led to the creation of new denominations, such as Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anabaptism, Anglicanism, and Quakerism.
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Wikimedia Commons contributors, “File:Reformatoren Gruppenportrait.jpg,” Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository.
Last edited 12/7/2017
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