Announcing RFAs for two DMC grant opportunities this spring 2022

The DMC is pleased to announce the following two RFAs this spring 2022:

Duke Cancer Institute / Duke Microbiome Center Joint Partnership Pilot Award

The Duke Cancer Institute and Duke Microbiome Center are collaborating to award one development grant at the intersection of cancer and the microbiome. Proposals should include a 1-year budget of up to $50,000. All requirements for this award are identical to the DCI’s Translational and/or Collaborative Research 2022 Spring Pilot RFA with the additional requirements that (a) the PI or one of the co-PIs must also be a member of the DMC, (b) the project must support interdisciplinary and collaborative research projects in cancer and the microbiome sciences at Duke University, and (c) the research strategy document must state “DCI/DMC collaborative award” after the title (see submission guidelines in the program announcement). Note that these proposals will be considered for both traditional DCI pilot funding as well as DCI/DMC funding, but will only be eligible for one funding award. For more information, see the webpage and program announcement (note that you may need to be connected to Duke VPN to access these webpages). The deadline for proposals to this RFA is Monday, 14 March 2022.


Duke Microbiome Center Development Grants

The Duke Microbiome Center Development Grants is now open for applications. Duke Microbiome Center Development Grants will have a one-year term, from 1 July 2021 – 30 June 2022. Each proposal may request a 1-year budget of up to $50,000, inclusive of all costs. Budgets are exempt from G&A, with the exception of any subcontracts which would require normal F&A costs. The DMC expects to fund up to two proposals this cycle. For more information, see the program announcement. The deadline for proposals to this RFA is Wednesday, 20 April 2022.

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