Computational Resources
In a partnership with Duke’s Center for Human Systems Immunology (CHSI), the Duke Microbiome Center now provides all members with higher priority access to computing nodes within the Duke Compute Cluster (DCC)!
As a result, a new partition within DCC has been formed, and is accessible to all DMC members.
In order to access the partition, you simply need to change the text in any commands (or script headers) denoting which partition or node is being used to “dmcshared“. You can also just add “dmcshared” in addition to any other partition you use currently use.
For example, “$srun -p scavenger -c4 –pty bash -i” would now be: “$srun -p dmcshared -c4 –pty bash -i” or “$srun -p dmcshared,scavenger -c4 –pty bash -i”
For slurm/sbatch code, you can simply change “#SBATCH –partition=scavenger” to “#SBATCH –partition=dmcshared” or “#SBATCH –partition=dmcshared,scavenger” in your header to utilize these resources.
If you have any questions on how to access these resources, check out the DMC Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Working Group!