
Graduate Training:

Graduate training opportunities are available in DMC laboratories. Please inquire with individual investigators for openings and graduate program affiliations. DMC investigators are members of the following Duke Graduate training programs: Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, University Program in Genetics and Genomics, Program in Cell and Molecular Biology, Program in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Program in Biomedical Engineering, and the Biology Graduate Program.

DMC investigators are also participating faculty in Integrative Bioinformatics for Investigating and Engineering Microbiomes (IBIEM), a NSF-sponsored graduate training program organized jointly between Duke University and North Carolina A&T State University.


In addition, the DMC Bioinformatics Group conducts workshops to train students and post-doctoral fellows on the implementation of basic and advanced bioinformatics tools. To request additional workshop topics and or request meeting times, contact Josh Granek, PhD.  Please see Seminars and Events for current schedules of seminars, microbial genomics lunches, and other research-in-progress forums.

Upcoming Workshops:  Introduction to Microbiome Study Design and Data Analysis (GCB Academy Workshop; POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19)

Previous Workshops:

Quantitative Methods for HIV Researchers, Spring 2020, Instructor: Josh Granek

Microbiome Analysis, Nov 2nd, 2017, Instructors: Olaf Mueller & Holly Dressman

Next-Generation Sequencing Short-Course (Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics), Summer 2016 & 2017, Instructor: Josh Granek

Microbiome Workshop, Jan 28th, 2016, Instructor: Olaf Mueller

Next-Generation Sequencing Short-Course (Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics), Summer 2015, Instructor: Josh Granek

Next Generation Sequence Analysis Workshop, Jan 2015, Instructor: Josh Granek

Duke Software Carpentry Workshop and SWC, June 2014, Instructor: Josh Granek

Next Generation Sequence Analysis Workshop, July 2013, Instructor: Josh Granek

NGS Genome Assembly Workshop, Dec 2013, Instructor: Olaf Mueller

Outside Resources:

The Ohio State University has put together a set of online education resources:

Microbiome Informatics Webinar Series (Spring 2021) 

Related Courses:

Course #: Course Name: Instructor:
BME 590 Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering: Metabolic
Networks & Metabolic Design
Michael Lynch
BIO 212L General Microbiology Amy Schmid
BIO 308A/ENVIRON 308A/GBLHEALTH 308A Oceans and Health Dana Hunt
BIO 311 Systems Biology Amy Schmid
BIO 346 Symbiosis: From Organelles to Microbiomes François Lutzoni
BIO 369LA/704LA Biological Oceanography Zachary Johnson
BIO 374LA Marine Molecular Ecology Zachary Johnson
BIO 380LA Marine Molecular Biology Dana Hunt
BIO 522S Origins of Cellular Life Amy Schmid
BIO 540L Mycology Rytas Vilgalys
BIO 557L Microbial Ecology and Evolution Rytas Vilgalys
BIO 723 Statistical Computing for Biologists Paul Magwene
CBB 520 Genomic Tools and Technologies Fred Dietrich
CBB 574 Modeling and Engineering Genet Circuits Lingchong You
CBB 720 Sequencing-Based Genomics Tim Reddy
CEE 462L(124L) Biological Principles in Environmental Engineering Marc Deshusses or Claudia Gunsch
CEE 562(244) Biological Processes in Environmental Engineering Marc Deshusses
CEE 566(250) Environmental Microbiology Claudia Gunsch
CEE 661(239L)/BME 565L Environmental Molecular Biotechnology Claudia Gunsch
CEE 690 Advanced Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering Josh Granek
ENVIRON/BIO 627-01 Molecular Ecology Jennifer Wernegreen
ENVIRON/GENOME 750 Genomics Microbial Diversity Jennifer Wernegreen
MGM 582 Microbial Pathogenesis Multiple Faculty
MGM 720 Computational Tools for Next Generation Sequencing Fred Dietrich
UPGEN 778 Exploring the Microbiome Lawrence David, John Rawls, Neil Surana