Category Archives: Democratic Republic of Congo
Godi Godar
My name is Godi Godar. Currently, I live in Durham. I originally come from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Q: How did you end up here? I came here through a connection with a missionary who invited me here … Continue reading
Maurice, Rachel, et Jackson
Maurice, Rachel, et leur fils Jackson sont arrivés à Durham en novembre 2014. Ils viennent de Rwanda et rejoignent deux autres enfants de la famille qui habitent ici depuis cinq mois : leur fils Lenny et leur fille Alice. La famille est Congolaise … Continue reading
Maurice, Rachel and Jackson
Maurice, Rachel, and their son Jackson have been in Durham for around a month. They came from Rwanda to join their son and daughter, Lenny and Alice, who have been in Durham for several months. Their family is from the … Continue reading
RC is a 25 year old man who fled from the Democratic Republic of Congo just 10 months ago. Upon arrival in America, he has quickly learned of the importance of working hard and staying positive in order to achieve his … Continue reading
My name is Lenny. My sister and I arrived here in America on the Fourth of July. Q: And where are you from? A: We came from Rwanda. But, my nationality is Congolese. … Continue reading
Je m’appelle Lenny. Nous sommes arrivés en Amérique le quatre juillet. Q: Et d’où est-ce que vous êtes venus? A: Nous sommes venus de Rwanda. Mais, je suis congolais pour ma nationalité. … Continue reading