Structure Core 3D Scanner
Basic info:
Structure Core is an assisted stereo depth sensor suitable for AR/VR SLAM, robot vision, and other embedded applications.
Make sure your Structure Core is updated to the latest firmware (1.0.0 newly released).
- length, width, height: 109mm, 18mm, 24mm
- 160˚ vision monochrome camera
- 85° color camera
- 1280 x 960 depth resolution
- precision
- support windows, android, linux, macOS
Structure SDK (Cross platform) supports:
- Windows (x86-64)
- Android (arm64)
- Linux (x86-64, arm64)
- macOS (x86-64)
Structure SDK (Cross-Platform) also includes a Structure Core firmware updater
Initializing Structure Core for Android
ST::CaptureSessionSettings settings; settings.source = ST::CaptureSessionSourceId::StructureCore; settings.structureCore.depthEnabled = true; settings.structureCore.visibleEnabled = true; settings.structureCore.infraredEnabled = true; settings.structureCore.accelerometerEnabled = true; settings.structureCore.gyroscopeEnabled = true; settings.structureCore.depthResolution = ST::StructureCoreDepthResolution::SXGA; settings.structureCore.imuUpdateRate = ST::StructureCoreIMUUpdateRate::AccelAndGyro_1000Hz; session.startMonitoring(settings);
If encountered with further problems, view Structure -> Support for more help.