Easy-start and Basic Maintaining


1. Starting up:

  •  Please keep the machine’s power switch turn on unless not used for a long time or performing the cleaning.


  • Release the emergency stop, then the CNC is on and in the initialized state. Press enter on the control panel.

  • In the ready state, the viewing screen display the initial USER coordinate system and the current tool bur position. The coordinate system is defined according to the right hand helix rule.


2. Basic operation of CNC

  • The four green buttons(on the real control panel) represent the different axis respectively. In the Ready state, select any axis and use the handwheel to control the movement of the shaft.

X-Control left and right movement

Y-Control back and forth movement

Z-Control up and down movement

  • Control the rotation of the fourth axis


  • SYSTEM button: (rarely use)

It stores a variety of coordinate systems.  The remote CAM software only supports User coordinate systems.

  • ORIGIN button: When you want to set a point to zero, hold down, make the current point zero.


  • SPINDLE: (rarely use)

Press and hold for a while, the spindle will move at S =4500, and then Press and hold for a while to stop.

  • OVER RIDE button:

If the machining speed is too fast or too slow, it can be adjusted based on the percentage of the current machining speed set in the software. The s below is the rotational speed, based on the portion of the set value.


  • Z0 SENSE button:

It doesn’t make sense in the four-axis situation. If the machined material is iron in triaxial conditions, you can touch it with a prop because the metal conducts electricity. If the processing material is plastic or wood, non-conductive, so using another tool tied to a small iron, the tool will be conductive when touching. The function of this button is to find the zero of the Z-axis automatically. In the case of four axes, the zero of the axis must be on the axis of the rotation. The up and down and forward and forward directions overlap with the center of rotation. You don’t need to adjust the x-direction.

Automated calibration has been completed.


(Tip: How do I find a precise origin position? We use automatic calibration. Automatically calibration may need to be compensated and fine-tuned.

When machining a square, if the size is larger or smaller, indicating that the origin of the Z-axis has a deviation. For the Y-axis, Machine half of the workpiece first, and turn it 180 degrees before machining the other half. If there is a deviation, the zero point of the Y-axis does not overlap the four-axis rotation axis. The width of the deviation over 2 is the deviation of origin.)


  • PAUSE/CANCEL button: Pause and cancel.

In the middle of processing, click to stop, click again, and you’ll be asked to start or cancel. Pressing pause, it will return to the initialization state, can temporarily open the protective cover.

  • ENTER button: For the all operations that need to be confirmed.


  • MENU button: Click once, showing the initialize menu, display some coordinates or spindle speed, rate status, etc. Rate is the stepping distance, and select the speed of manual movement.

Click twice, display the move menu. The first one is the observation position. The second is the user coordinates, and the other items can be set.

Click thrice, Enter the tool management menu to control tool grab.The last one is return, where you took it back to where you put it.

(Tips: One end of the A-axis is locked, and the other end is free to move. Turn the screw to fit the size of the material and move it left and right.)


3. Basic maintaining

  • Mobile shaft with paste/grease lubricating oil for maintenance, slightly coated, no Vaseline.


  • The chuck needs regular maintenance. Open the collet (Open Collet in the Vpanel), then Open the collet with the tool, and insert the calibration rod in advance to hold. Use a brush or air gun to clean the surface quickly and cover a little oil on the chuck. Clean the holes with cotton balls or alcohol. The calibration rod should also be inserted in advance when tightening. Then close the chuck (Close Collet in Vpanel).


4. Software settings (SPR Player)

  • Selection tool (Completed, no operation required)

ZHS represent the flat-headed tool, ZCB represent the round-headed tool.


  • Model

The red line on the screen represents the axis of rotation.

To adjust the size in one direction or the overall scale. You can display the size or the percentage of the size.

Select the machining direction of the workpiece, and the spindle machining direction is always along the Z-axis downward.

Roll angle of the workpiece.


  • Type of milling

Select the machining accuracy to determine whether the machining surface is more planar or more cambered. Select the shape of the processing material. When the shape material is square, you can choose to process one side or two sides. You can add support in Figure 8 or draw your support.

  • Create tool path

Select raw material and size


Select the depth of rough and finish in Edit, and then create the tool path.


  • Preview

Pre-machining, showing the processing results. Observe the simulation effect and check if the cutter path is correct, otherwise it needs to be readjusted.


  • Perform cutting

If you start processing directly, click Start Cutting; if you save it temporarily, select Output to File.


5. Processing

Prepare the cutting tool and material on the machine, move the spindle to near the origin of the workpiece, long-press the ORIGIN to set zero, then you can click the Start Cutting.

Emphasis: Please confirm the following procedures before starting processing.


Release the emergency stop——Press Enter on the control panel——Move X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, and Z-coordinate to near the origin of the workpiece(As shown in the figure above)——Long-press Origin to set zero on the X-coordinate——Click Start Cutting in the software——start processing