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A young Black girl is seated at a table in front of a microscope. She is in the center of the photo and in focus, while the young white girl to her left and young white boy to her white are blurred.

The Center for Pathway Programs encompasses an ecosystem of initiatives that span all academic and career stages. Explore all programs below or click to find options for applicants in Elementary School, Middle School, High School, Undergrad, or Grad School and Beyond.

BIGGER: Bridging the Gap to Enhance Clinical Research

BIGGER exposes students in gap or professional development year(s) to clinical research, research methodology, the IRB’s role in clinical research, independent research projects, and assists with professional development through formal lectures. BIGGER also provides peer mentoring for career progression. Learn More.

Building Opportunities & Overtures in Science & Technology (BOOST)

BOOST (Building Opportunities and Overtures in Science and Technology) is a multidimensional program designed to get middle schoolers excited about science and inspire them to pursue careers in medicine and related fields. Learn more.

Cognitive Neuroscience Research Internship (CNRI)

The Cognitive Neuroscience Research Internship (CNRI) is a fully paid semester-long research internship for Duke undergraduate students who want to learn how to conduct research on human behavior and cognition. Learn More.

Community of Scholars (CoS)

Duke’s Community of Scholars (CoS) seeks to connect trainees, share educational resources, and increase program efficiencies to enhance the career development of diverse scholars across Duke, enabling them to become successful researchers, mentors, and leaders. Learn More.

Duke Biosciences Collaborative for Research Engagement (BioCoRE)

BioCoRE is a program designed to unify and enrich the bioscience community across the Duke School of Medicine. A primary goal is to increase the diversity of scientists in the biosciences, which starts with promoting the holistic development of scholars throughout their Ph.D. training at Duke. Learn More.

Duke Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center REC Career Development Award

The Pepper Research Education Component (REC) Career Development Award promotes the development of junior faculty who are conducting basic, translational, or clinical research within the focus area of physical reserve and resilience so the awardees become future research leaders. Learn More.

Duke Master of Biomedical Sciences Program

The mission of the Duke MBS program is to educate and mentor a diverse group of individuals in an interprofessional and collaborative environment so they can transform future health professions and biomedical science environments. Learn More.

Duke PRIME: Cancer Research Program

PRIME Cancer addresses barriers that limit the recruitment and retention of a cancer research workforce. We will achieve this goal by exposing undergraduate students to intensive research experiences, an innovative didactics curriculum, and peer networking. Learn More.

DME: Duke Med Elementary

Duke Med Elementary’s mission is to teach local elementary students how to make healthy lifestyle choices through science-based educational programs focused on the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems, exercise, and nutrition. Learn more.

Duke Ignite

Duke Ignite is a free, 8-week hybrid program for Durham-area middle school students in partnership with the Museum of Life and Science. Learn more.

Duke National Clinician Scholars Program

This program is designed to give basic science-oriented PhD graduate students and postdoctoral associates exposure to clinical areas and translational opportunities related to their field of research. The four tracks include Infectious Diseases; Oncology and Regenerative Medicine; Neurosciences; and Endocrinology, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease. Learn More.

Duke’s Summer Training in Academic Research (STAR) Program

The objective of Duke’s STAR program is to provide a high-quality research experience for undergraduate students, high school students, and middle and high school teachers during the summer academic break. This program gives participants who are interested in science and medicine real hands-on experience in research methodology and writing. Learn More.

Duke/UNC Advancing Diversity in Aging Research (ADAR)

Duke/UNC ADAR is an innovative research training program that promotes the development of diverse scientists with expertise in aging research and equips them with the resources to optimize reserve and resilience among older adults. Learn More.

Duke/UNC Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) REC Core

This program is committed to the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) through comprehensive education and innovative research. They focus on identifying early- and mid-life factors contributing to AD and investigating how elements like culture, environment, or societal inequalities influence the onset and experience of AD. Learn More.

Duke Underrepresented in Neurology Teleshadowing Program

The Underrepresented in Neurology Tele-shadowing Experience seeks to encourage members of traditionally underrepresented groups to consider careers in Neurology. Learn More.

Duke University Neuroscience Experience (DUNE) 

DUNE is a paid summer research program based in the Duke Institute of Brain Sciences for rising juniors and senior high school students in the Research Triangle Area. The core mission of our program is to promote participation of traditionally underrepresented groups in STEM, by inundating these students into the scientific process. Learn More.

HPREP: Health Profession Recruitment and Exposure Program

HPREP works to increase the number of minority students entering health professions by exposing underrepresented high school students to opportunities in health fields, information about the unique healthcare needs of their communities, and mentors invested in their professional success. Learn More.

ODE: Outreach Design Education – Summer Design Camp

The ODE Summer Design Camp is an immersive biomedical engineering design experience that aims to introduce students, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds, to engineering design and foster an appreciation for STEM. Learn More.

ODE: Outreach Design Education – Summer Design Camp Professional Development for Teachers

The ODE Summer Design Camp functions as both an academic experience for high school students and a professional development and training opportunity for middle and high school STEM teachers. Teachers are invited to learn the engineering design process alongside the students and incorporate aspects into their lesson plans with support from program leaders. Learn More.

OPSD PRIME Summer Academy

OPSD PRIME Academy is a summer professional development series that provides networking opportunities and a well-rounded review of both the research enterprise and opportunities in biomedical research. Learn More.

RESURP: REACH Equity Summer Undergraduate Research Program

RESURP works to increase students’ knowledge of the causes and consequences of racial and ethnic disparities in health; introduce students to basic skills in clinical research; provide an opportunity to conduct a health disparities research project; and provide an opportunity for students to shadow Duke faculty in a clinical setting. Learn More.

SALUD: Scholar Academy for Latinxs United for Diversity

SALUD’s vision is to empower Durham Latinx youth to be catalysts for progressive change on a personal and communal level. The program’s mission is to inspire Durham Latinx youth to pursue health-related professions by critically exploring health through a social justice lens. Learn More.

Summer Biomedical Sciences Institute (SBSI)

The Duke University Summer Biomedical Science Institute is a free, six-week summer residential experience providing intensive and personalized preparation for medical school for rising college sophomores and rising juniors. Learn More.

The PROMISE study: Peer group research on mentoring scientists underrepresented in biomedical research

Postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty are being recruited to participate in this research study, which compares two different facilitated peer mentoring plans in racially and ethnically underrepresented (UR) biomedical researchers. Learn More.

Visiting Clinical Scholars

In partnership with clinical departments, the Duke School of Medicine Office of Diversity & Inclusion awards a number of scholarships to underrepresented in medicine (URiM) fourth-year medical students for the Visiting Clinical Scholars Program to support their participation in a clinical elective. Learn More.

UrogynCREST Program

Urogynecology Clinical Research Educational Scientist Training (UrogynCREST) Program is a 2-year online training program in pelvic floor disorders research and data science. Early-career faculty within approximately 7 years of fellowship who have a passion for research are invited to apply. Learn More.