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YOJO: Your Journey

Solutions for the entire pathway ecosystem.

YOJO, short for “Your Journey,” is a web-based platform for people who manage, leverage, or participate in pathway programs. At YOJO, a pathway program is any program designed to help Learners get from one stage to the next in their academic or professional careers.


What’s in it for me?

Learners & Mentors
Create a profile. Match with programs. Apply through a common app.



Save time with easy webpages, customizable applications, built-in notifications, and data dashboards.



Leaders & Researchers
Analyze data, discover trends, and gain insights that shape the workforce.



How does it work?

For Learners & Mentors
YOJO starts with a Journey Quiz to assess your learning stage, mentor objectives, background, experiences, interests, and preferences. YOJO then creates a user profile that our algorithm uses to match you with suitable pathway programs. Learners and mentors can apply to multiple programs simultaneously using our common app, saving time and effort. As you complete programs, YOJO suggests additional opportunities that help you achieve your ultimate career goals. With YOJO, you can chart, start, and stay on the path you design.

For Admins
YOJO is a “one-stop-shop” for managing pathway programs. With simplified systems for program applications, enrollment, evaluation, resource connections, and longitudinal tracking, this comprehensive tool streamlines the entire process, making it easier to manage learners within a program and across multiple programs over time.

For Researchers, Institutional Leaders, and Policymakers
YOJO presents an unprecedented opportunity to more fully understand the efficacy of pathway learning and the factors that contribute to—or detract from—learner success. Admins, institutional leaders, industry experts, and policymakers will soon gain valuable insights that inform recruitment and retention strategies, uncover access needs for those underserved, and pinpoint previously untapped workforce development opportunities.

Submit a program.

Do you know of a pathway program that should be on YOJO? Add it here so eligible learners can find you. Don’t worry—it’s a free promo with no strings attached.

Spread the word.

Share this with other colleagues managing pathway programs.

Stay in touch.

YOJO is being piloted at Duke University, which means the home team gets first access to the full suite of features. Sign up for updates and be the first to know when YOJO is ready for you.