Denoising dual-energy abdominal CT of obese patients

The purpose of this study was to evaluate a novel algorithm for noise reduction in obese patients for dual-source dual-energy (DE) CT abdominal imaging. We demonstrated that multi-channel denoising methods (RSKR, multi-energy (ME)-NLM) could reduce image noise and improve both objective image quality metrics like contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and subjective metrics like reader satisfaction.Fides R. Schwartz, Darin P. Clark, Francesca Rigiroli, Kevin Kalisz, Benjamin Wildman-Tobriner, Sarah Thomas, Joshua Wilson, Cristian T. Badea & Daniele Marin . Evaluation of the impact of a novel denoising algorithm on image quality in dual-energy abdominal CT of obese patientsEur Radiol (2023). 

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