Home » Remote Patient Monitoring in Duke Fellows 1A Clinic

Remote Patient Monitoring in Duke Fellows 1A Clinic

Step-by-Step Remote Patient Monitoring

 Patient Set up Guide

Follow this guide to enroll your patient in remote patient monitoring services.

After the provider places an order for remote patient monitoring services, a blue dot (as seen below) will show beside the patients name in scheduling to notify device dispensation is needed.

Follow the steps below to complete patient enrollment:

Step 1

Retrieve a device from the secure storage location and provide to the patient along with a printed copy of the patient enrollment guide.

Step 2

Download on the patient’s smartphone the My Duke Health app. The patient will need to either create a username and password or login with existing credentials.

Step 3

Download the Duke My Health App

Download the mobile app corresponding to the blood pressure device. The quick start guide found in the device packaging will provide the name of the app needed. The patient will need to create an account in this app as well.

  • The patient may need to connect to Wi-Fi for faster downloading.

Step 4

Reference the Quick Start Guide included in the health device packing for setup. Briefly, once the patient is logged into the device app, they will need to synch the device with the app. Take the first measurement to make sure synching was successful. Ask the patient to be on the lookout for important documents being sent to their MyChart account the next day. They will need to take steps to connect their cuff to Duke’s database.

Step 5

If device set up is completed during the time of the visit use .RPMONBOARD to document the completion of set-up.


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Patient Guide

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