DMC Startup Club

The Duke Microbiome Center has initiated the DMC Startup Club. The club aims to connect DMC labs with the translation, commercialization, and entrepreneurship space in microbiome science. Duke’s strong commitment to translational science combined with the thriving venture landscape in the Research Triangle creates a wealth of entrepreneurship expertise to learn from. With rapid growth and commercial potential for microbiome therapeutics, we aim to shift the way DMC lab members approach their own research.

We will host monthly speaker events geared toward networking with industry professionals, learning about current microbiome startups, and the process of entrepreneurship. Our speakers will include leaders of microbiome startups, experts in venture capital, translation, intellectual property, licensing, and launching ventures. This club will follow DMC members interested in commercialization to understand the basics of vetting their projects, learn how to take them to market successfully, and expand their networks. If you would like to receive updates on DMC Startup Club activities please email Cindy Wicker.

DMC Startup President: Agatha Sharma (MGM 4th Year)
DMC Startup Vice President: Ammara Aqueel (MGM 4th Year)

Upcoming Events:
“Navigate Your Network” June 5, 2024  – Mr. Michael Rudisill from Duke Career Center.
12-1 pm, GSRB111 1125 Registration is required. Lunch will be provided.
Learn practical networking skills, build a strong LinkedIn profile, and initiate professional connections