

De novo lipid synthesis and polarized prenylation drive cell invasion through basement membrane

Park, K., Garde, A., Thendral, S. B., Soh, A. W. J., Chi, Q., & Sherwood, D. R. (2024). Journal of Cell Biology, 223(10). pdf


Spotlight: Lipid synthesis leads the way for invasive migration

Machesky L. M. (2024). The Journal of cell biology223(10), e202408005. pdf


Basement membrane dynamics in living animals: Insights and pitfalls

Stramer, B. M., & Sherwood, D. R. (2024). Journal of Cell Biology, 223(7). pdf


Translational regulation of cell invasion through extracellular matrix-an emerging role for ribosomes

Sherwood, D. R., Kenny-Ganzert, I. W., & Thendral, S. B. (2023). F1000Research, 12, 1528. pdf

Chronic high-sugar diet in adulthood protects Caenorhabditis elegans from 6-OHDA induced dopaminergic neurodegeneration

Morton, K. S., Hartman, J. H., Heffernan, N., Ryde, I. T., Kenny-Ganzert, I. W., Meng, L., Sherwood, D. R., & Meyer, J. N. (2023). BMC Biology, 21(1). pdf

Post-embryonic endogenous expression and localization of LET-60/Ras in C. elegans

Jayadev, R., Chi, Q., & Sherwood, D. R. (2023). microPublication Biology, 2023. pdf

The C. elegans anchor cell: A model to elucidate mechanisms underlying
invasion through basement membrane

Kenny-Ganzert, I. W., & Sherwood, D. R. (2023). Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. pdf

Differential production rates of cytosolic and transmembrane GFP reporters in C. elegans L3 larval uterine cells

Kenny-Ganzert, I; Chi, Q; Sherwood, D (2023). microPublication Biology. 10.17912/micropub.biology.000813  pdf

The Caenorhabditis elegans anchor cell transcriptome: ribosome biogenesis drives cell invasion through basement membrane

Costa, D. S., Kenny-Ganzert, I. W., Chi, Q., Park, K., Kelley, L. C., Garde, A., Matus, D. Q., Park, J., Yogev, S., Goldstein, B., Gibney, T. V., Pani, A. M., & Sherwood, D. R. (2023). Development, 150(9). pdf

Reciprocal discoidin domain receptor signaling strengthens integrin adhesion to connect adjacent tissues

Park, K., Jayadev, R., Payne, S. G., Kenny-Ganzert, I. W., Chi, Q., Costa, D. S., Ramos-Lewis, W., Thendral, S. B., & Sherwood, D. R. (2023). eLife, 12. pdf

Hemicentin mediated type IV collagen assembly strengthens juxtaposed basement membrane linkage

Gianakas, C. A., Keeley, D. P., Ramos-Lewis, W., Park, K., Jayadev, R., Kenny, I. W., Chi, Q., & Sherwood, D. R. (2022). Journal of Cell Biology, 222(1). pdf


A light sheet fluorescence microscopy protocol for Caenorhabditis elegans larvae and adults

Smith, J. J., Kenny, I. W., Wolff, C., Cray, R., Kumar, A., Sherwood, D. R., & Matus, D. Q. (2022). pdf

Visualizing cytoplasmic ATP in C. elegans larvae using PercevalHR.

Garde, A., & Sherwood, D. R. (2022).  STAR Protocols, 3(2), 101429. pdf
A basement membrane discovery pipeline uncovers network complexity, regulators, and human disease associations.
Jayadev, R., Morais, M. R., Ellingford, J. M., Srinivasan, S., Naylor, R. W., Lawless, C., Li, A. S., Ingham, J. F., Hastie, E., Chi, Q., Fresquet, M., Koudis, N.-M., Thomas, H. B., O’Keefe, R. T., Williams, E., Adamson, A., Stuart, H. M., Banka, S., Smedley, D., Sherwood, D. R., & Lennon, R. (2022).  Science Advances, 8(20). pdf

Localized glucose import, glycolytic processing, and mitochondria generate a focused ATP burst to power basement membrane invasion.

Garde, A., Kenny, I. W., Kelley, L. C., Chi, Q., Mutlu, A. S., Wang, M. C., & Sherwood, D. R. (2022).  Developmental Cell, 57(6). pdf


Basement membrane remodeling guides cell migration and cell morphogenesis during development.

Sherwood, D.R. (2021). Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 72, 19–27. pdf

Fueling cell invasion through extracellular matrix

Garde, A. and Sherwood, D.R. (2021).  Trends in Cell Biology. Jun;31(6):445-456. doi: 10.1016/j.tcb.2021.01.006.  pdf


Stem cell niche exit in C. elegans via orientation and segregation of daughter cells by a cryptic cell outside the niche

Gordon, K.L., Zussman, J.W., Li, X., Miller, C., Sherwood, D.R. (2020). eLife 2020;9:e56383  DOI: 10.7554/eLife.56383. pdf
eLife Insight-More than just a pool
eLife Digest: To egg or not to egg

Comprehensive endogenous tagging of basement membrane components reveals dynamic movement within the matrix scaffolding

Keeley, D.P., Hastie, E., Jayadev R., Kelley, L.C., Chi, Q., Payne, S.G., Jeger, J.L., Hoffman, B.D., Sherwood, D.R.(2020). Dev Cell. pdf
Developmental Cell Previews-Mobilizing the Matrix

Mammalian hemicentin 1 is assembled into tracks in the extracellular matrix of multiple tissues

Lin MH, Pope BD 3rd, Sasaki T, Keeley DP, Sherwood DR, Miner JH. Dev Dyn. 2020;249(6):775-788. doi:10.1002/dvdy.159 pdf


A scalable CURE Using a CRISPR/Cas9 Fluorescent Protein Knock-In Strategy in Caenorhabditis elegans

Hastie E., Sellers R., Valan B., Sherwood D.R. (2019). J Microbiol Biol Educ. 2019 Dec 18;20(3):20.3.60. pdf

α-Integrins dictate distinct modes of type IV collagen recruitment to basement membranes

Jayadev R., Chi Q., Keeley, D.P., Hastie, E.L., Kelley, L.C.,Sherwood D.R.  (2019). J. Cell Biol., Aug 6. pii cb.201903124. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201903124. pdf

MANF deletion abrogates early larval Caenorhabditis elegans stress response to tunicamycin and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Hartman J.H., Richie C.T., Gordon K.L., Mello D.F.,, Castillo P., Zhu A., Wang Y., Hoffer B.J., Sherwood D.R., Meyer J.N.,, Harvey B.K. (2019).  Eur J Cell Biol. May 21. pii: S0171-9335(18)30348-0. doi: 10.1016/ j.ejcb.2019.05.002. PMID:31138438. pdf

Ectopic germ cells can induce niche-like enwrapment by neighboring body wall muscle

Gordon K.L., Payne, S.G., Linden-High L.M.,  Pani, A.M., Goldstein, B.,Hubbard, J.A., Sherwood. D.R.  (2019). Curr Biol. Mar 4;29(5):823-833.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub .2019.01.056. Epub 2019 Feb 21.PMID: 30799241. pdf
Current Biology Dispatch-Kelley and Cram

Adaptive F-actin polymerization and localized ATP production drive basement membrane invasion in the absence of MMPs

Kelley, L.C., Hastie E., Cáceres, R., ChiQ., Schindler A.J., Jiang Y., Matus, D.Q.,  Julie Plastino J., and Sherwood, D.R. (2019). Dev Cell. Jan 23. pii: S1534-5807(18)31086-4. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.12.018 pdf
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology-Forcing Through Barriers
Dev Cell Preview-Invasion by Force. Nikolau and Machesky


Forces drive basement membrane invasion in Caenorhabditis elegans

Cáceresa, R., Bojanalaa N., Kelley, L.C., Dreiere J., Manzia, J., Federicoa, F.D., Chi, Q., Rislera, T.,, Testae, I., Sherwood, D.R.,, Plastino, J.  (2018). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.  Nov 6;115(45):11537-11542. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1808760115. Epub 2018 Oct 22. PMID: 30348801. pdf

Non-selective autophagy reduces mitochondrial content during starvation in Caenorhabditis elegans

Hibshman J.D., Leuthner T.C., Shoben C., Mello D.F., Sherwood D.R., Meyer J.N., Baugh L.R.  (2018). Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. Aug 22. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00109.2018. PMID:30133321 pdf

Tissue linkage through adjoining basement membranes: The long and the short term of it

Keeley D.P. and Sherwood D.R. (2018). Matrix Biol. May 24. pii: S0945-053X(18)30190-2. doi: 10.1016/j.matbio.2018.05.009. [Epub ahead of print]. pdf

Swimming Exercise and Transient Food Deprivation in Caenorhabditis elegans Promote Mitochondrial Maintenance and Protect Against Chemical-Induced Mitotoxicity

Hartman J.H., Smith L. L., Gordon K.L., Laranjeiro R., Driscoll M.,Sherwood D.R., Meyer J.N.  (2018).  (2018) Sci Rep.  May 29;8(1):8359. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-26552-9. pdf

Invading, Leading and Navigating Cell in Caenorhabditis elegans:  Insights into Cell Movement In Vivo

Sherwood D.R. and Plastino J. (2018). Genetics  Jan;208(1):53-78. doi: 10.1534/genetics.117.300082. pdf


Cell invasion in vivo via rapid exocytosis of a transient lysosome-derived membrane domain

Naegeli, K.M., Hastie, E.L., Garde, A., Wang Z., Keeley D.P., Gordon K.L., Pani A.M., Kelley L.C., Morrisey, M.A., Chi.Q., Goldstein.,B, Sherwood D.R. (2017).  Dev Cell. Nov 20;43(4):403-417 pdf
Shah Wang and Ken Yamada Developmental Cell Preview

Identification of regulators of germ stem cell enwrapment by its niche in C. elegans

Linden, L.M., Gordon, K.L., Pani, A.M., Payne, S.G., Garde A., Burkholder, D., Chi Q., Goldstein, B., Sherwood, D.R. (2017).  Dev Biol. Sep 1;429(1):271-284. doi: 10.1016/ j.ydbio. 2017.06.019. pdf

Live-cell confocal microscopy and quantitative 4D image analysis of anchor cell invasion through the basement membrane in C. elegans

Kelley, L.C., Wang, Z., Hagedorn, E.J., Wang, L., Shen W., Lei, S., Johnson, S.A.,, Sherwood, D.R. (2017). Nat Protoc. Oct;12(10):2081-2096. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2017.093. pdf

Morphogenesis: Shaping Tissues through extracellular force gradients

Jayadev R. and Sherwood D.R. (2017). Curr Biol. Sep 11;27(17):R850-R852. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.07.040. pdf

Breaching and opening basement membrane barriers: the anchor cell leads the way

Keeley, D.P., and Sherwood, D.R.  (2017). Extracellular matrix in tumor biology, pp 91-115  Springer Nature. pdf

Primer: Basement Membranes

Jayadev R. and Sherwood D.R. (2017). Curr Biol. Mar 20;27(6):R207-R211. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.02.006. pdf


Boundary cells restrict dystroglycan trafficking to control basement membrane sliding during tissue remodeling

McClatchey, S.T.H., Wang Z., Linden, L.M., Hastie, E.L., Wang, L., Shen, W., Chen, A., Chi, Q., Sherwood, D.R. (2016). eLIFE. Sep 23;5. pii: e17218. pdf

Sculpting Tissues by Fibrils

Jayadev R. and Sherwood D.R. (2016). Dev Cell. Jul 11;38(1):1-3. pdf

A new front in cell invasion: The invadopodial membrane

Hastie, E.L. and Sherwood, D.R. (2016). Eur J Cell Biol. 2016 Jun 24. S0171-9335(16)30105-4. pdf

SPARC promotes cell invasion in vivo by decreasing type IV collagen levels in the basement membrane

Morrissey, M.A., Jayadev, R., Miley, G.R., Blebea, C.A., Chi, Q., Ihara, S., Sherwood, D.R. (2016). PLoS Genet. 12(2): e1005905pdf
Sparking ECM Interview with Meghan/Journal Coverage

A sensitized screen for genes promoting invadopodia function in vivo: CDC-42 and Rab GDI-1 direct distinct aspects of invadopodia formation

Lohmer, L.L, Clay, M.R., Naegeli, K.M., Chi, Q., Ziel, J.W., Hagedorn, E.J., Park,  J.E., Jayadev, R., Sherwood, D.R. (2016). PLoS Genet.. Jan 14;12(1):e1005786. pdf
Understanding images how do cells make invasive feet


Invasive cell fate requires G1 cell-cycle arrest and histone deacetylase-mediated changes in gene expression

Matus, D.Q., Lohmer, L.L., Kelley, L.C., Schindler, A.J., Korhman, A.Q., Barkoulas, M., Zhang, W., Chi, Q and Sherwood, D.R. (2015). Dev Cell. Oct. 26; 35, 162–174. pdf   
Developmental Cell Preview.  An arresting story about basement membrane invasion. pdf

Imaging the Cell

Meeting Report-Imaging the Cell (2015).  J. of Cell Sci. Nov. 1; 128(21): 3843-7. pdf

Basement Membranes in the Worm:  A Dynamic Scaffolding that Instructs Cellular Behaviors and Shapes Tissues

Clay, M.R. and Sherwood D.R. (2015).  Current Topics in Membranes. Sep 12; 76:1-37. pdf

RAB-10-dependent membrane transport is required for dendritic arborization

Zou, W., Yadav, S., Devault, L., Jan, Y.N., Sherwood, D.R. (2015).  PLOS Genet. Sep 22; 11(9): e1005484. pdf

A developmental biologists “outside-the-cell” thinking

Sherwood, D.R. (2015). J. Cell Biol. Aug 3; 210(3): 369-372. pdf

The unfolded protein response is required for dendrite morphogenesis

Wei, X., Howell, A.S., Dong, X., Taylor, C.A., Cooper, R.C., Zhang, J., Zou, W., Sherwood, D.R., Shen, K. (2015). eLIFE, 4:e06963. pdf

An active role for basement membrane assembly and modification in tissue sculpting

Morrissey, M. A. and Sherwood, D.R. (2015). J. Cell Science, 128, 1–8 doi:10.1242/jcs.168021. pdf


Should I stay or should I go? Identification of novel nutritionally regulated developmental checkpoints in C. elegans

Schindler, A.J. and Sherwood, D.R. (2014). Worm 3:4, e979658. pdf

Repurposing an endogenous degradation system for rapid and targeted protein depletion of C. elegans proteins

Armenti, S.T., Lohmer, L.L, Sherwood, D.R., and Nance, J. Development. 141:1-8 doi.1242/dev.115048.

B-Link: A hemicentin, plectin, integrin-dependent adhesion system that links tissues by connecting adjacent basement membranes

Morrissey, M. A., Hagedorn, E. J., McClatchey, S. T. H., Chi, Q., Hall, D. H., Sherwood, D. R. (2014). Dev Cell. Nov 10; 31(3): 319-331. pdf  supplemental info

MIG-10 (Lamellipodin) stablizes invading cell adhesion to basement membrane and is a negative transcriptional target of EGL-43 in C. elegans

Wang, L., Shen, W., Lei, S., Matus, D., Sherwood, D., Wang, Z. (2014).  Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014 Sep 26;452(3):328-33. pdf

UNC-6 (netrin) stabilizes oscillatory clustering of the UNC-40 (DCC) receptor to orient polarity

Wang, Z., Linden, L., Naegeli, K., Ziel, J. W., Chi, Q., Hagedorn, E. J., Savage, N. S.,Sherwood, D. R. (2014). Journal of Cell Biology Sep 1;206(5):619-33. pdf
In focus feature by Ben Short at JCB:pdf
Duke today: Scientist Uncover Navigation System
Dispatch, Current Biology 3 November 2014, 24(21):R1050-2. pdf

Cell division and targeted cell cycle arrest opens and stabilizes basement membrane gaps

Matus, D. Q., Chang, E., Makohon-Moore, S., Hagedorn, M., Sherwood, D. R. (2014). Nature Commun. Jun 13;(5):4184. pdf  supplemental materials

Identification of late larval stage developmental checkpoints in Caenorhabditis elegans regulated by Insulin/IGF and steroid hormone signaling pathways

Schindler, A. J., Baugh, L. R., Sherwood, D. R. (2014). PLoS Genet. Jun 19;10(6):e1004426. pdf
The Scientist
BBC Nature News feature
Science Daily Feature

In situ imaging in C. elegans reveals developmental regulation of microtubule dynamics

Lacroix B., Bourdages K. G., Dorn J. F., Ihara S., Sherwood D. R., Maddox P. S., Maddox A. S. (2014). Dev Cell. Apr 28; 29(2):203-16. pdf

Invadopodia and basement membrane invasion in vivo

Lohmer, L. L., Kelley, L. C., Hagedorn, E. J., Sherwood, D. R. (2014).  Cell Adh Migr.;8(3):246-55. pdf

ADF/cofilin promotes invadopodial membrane recycling during cell invasion in vivo

Hagedorn E. J*., Kelley, L. C*., Naegeli, K. M., Wang, Z., Chi, Q., Sherwood, D.R. (2014). J Cell Biol. Mar 31; 204(7): 1209-18pdf    *These authors contributed equally
Biobytes Feature

MIG-10 (Lamellipodin) has netrin independent functions and is a FOS-1A transcriptional target during anchor cell invasion in C. elegans

Wang, Z., Chi, Q., Sherwood, D.R. (2014). Development. 141:134-1353. pdf

Traversing the basement membrane in vivo: a diversity of strategies

Kelley, L. C., Lilley-Lohmer, L., Hagedorn, E. J., Sherwood, D. R.  (2014). Journal of Cell Biology. 204 (3). 291–302. pdf


The Netrin Receptor DCC Focuses Invadopodia Driven Basement Membrane Transmigration in vivo

Hagedorn E. J., Ziel J.W., Morrissey M. A., LindenL.M., Wang Z, Chi Q, Johnson S. A., Sherwood, D. R. (2013). Journal of Cell Biology, 10; 201(6): 903-13. pdf
Biosights Feature with Ben Short from JCB

Cell Invasion through basement membrane:  The netrin receptor DCC guides the way

Morrissey, M. A., Hagedorn, E. J., Sherwood D. R. (2013).  Worm 2 (3) e26169-1-6. pdf

Morphogenesis of the Caenorhabditis elegans vulva

Schindler Adam J., Sherwood David R. (2013). WIREs Dev Biol. 2(1):75-95. pdf


Cell Invasion Through Basement Membrane: The Anchor Cell Breaches the Barrier

Hagedorn, E.J. and Sherwood, D. R. (2011). Curr Opinion Cell Biol. 23(5): 589-9. pdf

The transcription factor HLH2/E/Daughterlessregulates anchor cell invasion in C. elegans

Schindler, A.J. and Sherwood, D.R. (2011). Dev. Biol. Sep 15;357(2):380-91. pdf

Cell Picture Show, Cell Motility

Hagedorn, E.J.  and Sherwood, D.R. (2011). “WalkingThrough Walls”.

Dissection of Genetic Pathways in C. elegans

Wang, Z., and Sherwood, D.R. (2011). Molecular Genetics and Development – Methods in Cell Biol. 106:113-57. pdf

Basement membrane sliding and targeted adhesion remodels tissue boundaries during uterine-vulval attachment in C. elegans

Ihara, S., Hagedorn, E.J., Morrissey, M.A., Motegi, F., Kramer, J.M., Sherwood, D.R.,  (2011). Nat Cell Biol.  Jun;13(6):641-51. pdf
Dispatch, Current Biology 9 August 2011, 21(15):R585-7



David Q. Matus, David R. Sherwood, and Annalisa M. Sci Signal.,11 (2010) 3, Issue 121, p. pc10. Science Signaling Podcast_ 11 May 2010

Identification of novel regulators of cell invasion across basement membrane in vivo

Matus, D.Q., Li, X-Y., Durbin S., Agarwal, D.,  Chi, Q.,  Weiss, S.J.,  Sherwood, D.R. (2010). Sci Signal. 4:3(120): ra35. pdf   supplemental material
Science, Editors Choice, 28 May 2010, p. 1077
Research Highlights in Nature Reviews Cancer, 27 May 2010; doi 10. 1038/nrc 2878

Roles for Netrin Signaling Outside of Axon Guidance: A View from of Worm

Ziel, J.W., Sherwood, D.R. (2010). Dev Dyn 239(5): 1296-305.  pdf


Integrin Acts Upstream of Netrin Signaling to Regulate Formation of the Anchor Cell’s Invasive Membrane in C. elegans

Hagedorn, E.J., Yashiro, H., Ziel, J.Z., Ihara, S., Wang, Z., and Sherwood, D.R. (2009). Dev. Cell 17, 187-198.  pdf
Comment in Dev Cell.  Integrins Anchor the Invasive Machinery (2009), 17(2): 158-60

An expression screen for RhoGEF genes involved in C. elegans gonadogenesis

Ziel, J.W., Matus, D.Q., Sherwood, D.R. (2009). Gene Expr Patterns 9(6): 397-403.  pdf

David Sherwood: invasive procedures

Sherwood, D.R. (2009). Interview by Ben Short., J. Cell Biol, 185(4): 568-9. pdf

UNC-6 (netrin) orients the invasive membrane of the anchor cell in C. elegans

Ziel, J.W., Hagedorn, E.J., Audhya, A., Sherwood, D.R. (2009) Nat Cell Biol.  11(2): 183-9. pdf


Cell invasion through basement membranes: an anchor of understanding

Sherwood, D. R. (2006). Trends Cell Biol. 16(5): 250-256.  pdf


Fos-1 promotes basement-membrane removal during anchor-cell invasion in C. elegans

Sherwood, D. R., Butler, J.A., Kramer, J.M., and Sternberg, P.W. (2005). Cell 121, 951-962.  pdf  Supplemental Data
Comment in: Cell. 2005 Jun17; 121(6): 816-7
Editorial in: Matrix Biology. 2006; 25(1):1-2.


Anchor cell invasion into the vulval epithelium in C. elegans

Sherwood, D. R., and Sternberg, P.W. (2003). Dev. Cell 5, 21-31. pdf
Comment in: Dev Cell. 2003 Jul; 5(1):5-7


Gene expression markers for Caenorhabditis elegans vulval cells

Inoue, T., Sherwood, D. R., Aspöck, G., Butler, J. A., Gupta, B. P., Kirouac, M., Wang, M., Lee, P.-Y., Kramer, J. M., Hope, I., Burglin, T.R., Sternberg, P.W. (2002). Mech. Dev. 119S, S203-S209. pdf

Caenorhabditis elegans cog-1 locus encodes a GTX/Nkx6.1 homeodomain proteins and regulates multiple aspects of reproductive system development

Palmer, R.A., Inoue, T., Sherwood, D.R., Jing, L.I., and Sternberg, P.W. (2002). Dev. Biol. 252, 202-213. pdf