
Graduate Students

With its fast generation time, rich experimental toolkit (genetics, feeding RNAi, CRISPR, GFP probes), and amenability to live-cell imaging, C. elegans (also known as the “worm”) is a superb model for graduate student training, allowing students to dig deeply into scientific questions using a number of different approaches, all in the context of in vivo biology. The Sherwood lab is highly collaborative and interacts extensively with the scientific community at Duke, the Research Triangle, and the international worm and cell and developmental biology communities.  Students interested in joining the lab can associate many graduate programs, including:
  • Program in Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB) website
  • Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Program (DSCB) website
  • University Program in Genetics and Genomics (UPGG) website
  • Molecular Cancer Biology (MCB) website
  • Department of Biology website
Many students in lab also to take a summer research course at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) at Woods Hole, MA, an exciting and life-changing experience.

Postdoctoral Positions

Potential Postdoctoral applicants should contact Dr. Sherwood by email about interest in joining the lab.  The Sherwood group is a creative environment that works on diverse topics that allow postdoctoral fellows to develop their own scientific niche.   It is particularly exciting brining in scientists from diverse backgrounds to add to the scientific breadth of our group.

Undergraduate Students

We welcome undergraduates to our group, who are paired with a senior graduate student or post-doctoral fellow.  We are particularly interested in bringing students in during their freshman or sophomore year, and having them stay with the lab throughout their time at Duke University.  Many of our undergraduate researchers are key contributing authors on published papers and have gone on to the prestigious graduate and medical schools.
   Lab Phone:  (919) 613-9037 
   Lab Address:
   Sherwood Lab
   Department of Biology
   Duke University
   French Family Science Center
   Room #4244
   Durham, NC 27708
   Regular Mail Address:
   Department of Biology
   Duke University
   Box 90338
   Science Drive
   Durham, NC 27708