
  1. Cardiac photon counting CT and its application in studying interactions between Alzheimer’s and heart disease, awarded by National Institutes of Health 2021 –   ( Badea CT, PI)
  2. Development of a New Generation Micro-CT imaging for Functional and Molecular Imaging of Cancer awarded by National Institutes of Health 2015 – 2021  ( Badea CT, PI)
  3. The Duke Pre-Clinical Research Resources for Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers awarded by National Institutes of Health 2017 – 2022 ( Badea CT, PI)
  4. Genotype Specific trajectories for brain networks in mouse models of aging awarded by National Institutes of Health 2019 – 2024  ( Badea A, PI)
  5. Gender and APOE genotype interact to alter immune regulated metabolism in AD awarded by National Institutes of Health 2019 – 2024 ( Badea A, PI)