Urine Microscopy Lecture by Dr. SparksView Page
Primer on how to spin urine (NephSIM)
Duke Hospital Urine Microscopy
The current chief fellow will ensure the microscope equipment is furnished on a monthly basis. Tracie Bach tracie.bach@duke.edu will order Urine Microscopy supplies.
we use Southern Microscopes to service their email is office@southernmicroscope.com and phone number is 800-227-7276
code to the iPhone (VA and Duke) is 1234
Duke 1A Clinic Urine Microscope
for supplies let Gilda Maga (charge nurse know)
VA Urine Microscopy
For supplies contact Ykenia.Woods@va.gov and they will be delivered to the plexiglass specimen delivery window for pathology on 3rd floorr.
- Urine Microscopy room: 4&5 together then 3.
- Keep workstation clean after each use, and do not leave urine slides or sample on the station
- Rely upon the urinalysis if this differs significantly from the microscopy that you performed then can contact the central lab for further discussions; you can ask to receive or to visit the lab to review the analyzer’s images. The Core Lab Supervisor is Dr. Jesse Furgal and could be reached at extension 17-6514 or by email (jesse.furgal@va.gov).
Duke 1A Microscope
- Download this app to your phone EP View either iPhone or Android
- for problems with EP View app please call into our Technical Assistance Center at 800-225-8330, Option 4, then Option 1, and one of the Olympus support engineers will assist you. You must be near the microscope.
- Go to your wifi setting and search for the camera hotspot network ****turn camera on (blue light should turn on)
- Network should be EP50 and a series of numbers/letters
- you will be prompted for password… it is 12345678
- You can view slides at bright field (BF) or phase contrast (Ph)(turn the dial to BF or Ph)
- for 10X BF or Ph1
- for 20X BF or Ph1
- for 40X BF or Ph2
- for 60X BF only
- for 100x oil immersion BF and Ph3 (ONLY FOR Dr. Sparks to use)
To polarize a slide to look for crystals
put this polarizer on the light well (the red arrow on the image below)
U-POT Olympus Polarizer, rotate until the light is black and things that polarize (crystals) light up.