Research Fellows Timeline
List of Grants/Courses/Conferences/Internships at Renal Fellow Network
1st year
-Orientation will include overview from research Division Chief and PD (Sparks)
-If you are interested in pursuing research, Program Coordinator will schedule a time to meet with PD/APD/Chief. You should leave these meetings with a list of several potential research mentors who may be a good fit.
-Schedule meetings with potential mentors during outpatient immersion (Program Coordinator will help with this) or other times.
-Best to identify mentor early, ideally, by the end of December of your first year. This will give you plenty of time to apply for degree programs and complete any regulatory paperwork (IRB or IACUC). This is not a firm deadline and it is important to keep leadership informed of progress to find the best fit and approve your choice.
-Join (after discussion with leadership) the Fellow Research Academy (FRA) program. The seminars run September through May, currently on Mondays at 4 p.m.
-Meet with your mentor to plan for the coming year including goals, timelines, benchmarks, conferences, grant application deadlines (depending on mentor, the trainee may be eligible for several other post-doctoral fellowship awards from the AHA, ADA, JDRF etc).
Look at the Office of Physician Scientist Development
NOTE: These grant opportunities should also be considered in years 2 and 3.
-Clinical Research Fellows
–DCRI Fellowship Program
–March 1st deadline
–Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP)
-Early May deadline
-Master of Health Sciences in Clinical Research
-Certificate (Academic Core in Clinical Research Certificate)
-Start working on IRB
March- NKF Spring Clinical Meeting for 1st years
Basic Science Research Fellows
-Add to your PIs IACUC protocol
-Grant Opportunity- The Mario Family Foundation Award (internal)
-Deadline in March
Assemble your “Research Advisory Committee” (typically 4-5 people) with help of primary mentor and leadership. The committee will meet q6 months to review your progress and to provide objective feedback.
2nd year/3rd year
-Attend the Nephrology Division Boot Camp for 2nd and 3rd years
-Late July
-Meet with program leadership
-Apply for the Southern Society for Clinical Investigation Nephrology Young Investigators’ Forum
-Apply for the Mid-Atlantic Young Investigator Forum in Baltimore
*Typically a fellow will attend 1 of these two Forums
-ASN Kidney Week
-Grant Opportunity the American Kidney Fund fellowship grant, typically restricted to clinical research.
– Grant Opportunity ASN Ben J. Lipps Research Fellowship, both clinical and basic science research
-Southern Society for Clinical Investigation Nephrology Young Investigators’ Forum (New Orleans)
– Mid-Atlantic Young Investigator Forum in Baltimore
-Apply for 1 of the 2 young investigator awards
-Winners of Mid-Atlantic and Southern Society compete at NKF Spring Clinical Meeting
-Basic Science Research Fellows
-Apply to Join the Robert J. Lefkowitz Society email from PD leadership
-Abstract deadline for ASN Kidney Week (typically late May)