The Physiology Blitz
This fellow-taught lecture series is designed to allow you to deepen your understanding of nephrology physiology, while at the same time hone your teaching skills. Think of this as similar to the Nephropathology series, but for physiology.
Timeline: The sessions will be held over a two-week period
Monday 02/17/2025 Noon |
Palavi |
Proximal tubule function
Sachin | Loop of Henle and the counter current mechanism | |
Wednesday 02/19/2025 4PM |
Kirsten | Macula densa & Juxtaglomerular apparatus |
Alessandra |
Collecting duct function
Friday 02/21/2025 Noon |
Jasmin | Phosphate reabsorption and excretion, and role of FGF-23 |
Aruna | Renal tubular acidosis | |
Monday 02/24/2025 Noon |
Arash |
Renal regulation of calcium
Michael | Diuretic effects on the different parts of the nephron (& similar inherited disorders) | |
Friday 02/28/2025 Noon |
Aarushi |
Physiological changes in pregnancy
Micah |
Mechanism of proteinuria
Format: Lectures should be brief and comprise mostly of images/graphs with minimal text. Try not to exceed 10 PowerPoint slides. Each lecture will focus on a core physiology topic. It should start off with a clinical case that relates to the topic at hand. Please include 3 core teaching points at the end of the lecture.
Be creative and have fun!
List of resources:
- Burton Rose: Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders
- The fluid, electrolyte and acid-base companion (Free)
- John Roberts videos
- Lectures by Raslan, Berkoben, and others from core curriculum
- December 2024 issue of ASN Kidney News
- AKDH Physiology for the Clinician Series
You are welcome to join the “Fluids and Electrolytes” course taught by Roberts and Raslan. These are held live and via zoom Wednesday evenings from 5-7 pm January 8th – February 26th.