Fellowship Program Leadership

Matthew A. Sparks, MD

Associate Director-
Harpreet Singh, MD

Associate Director-
Rasha Raslan, MD

Program Coordinator-
Ashley McPherson

Chief Fellow-
Aruna Phekoo, MD

Welcome to Duke Nephrology!

We are pleased to welcome 5 new fellows to the Duke Family.

Welcome 2021 Fellowship Applicants

The Duke nephrology fellowship is a 2-3 year program that provides a unique experience to guide careers in nephrology. The goal of our program is to provide a comprehensive learning environment that places the fellow at the center of our program. The Duke Nephrology Training Program is committed to diversity, work-life balance, education, and career development. We have a long-standing track record of success in producing leaders in the field of nephrology- whether that is in private practice, academia, research, or industry. We believe that each fellow follows a unique path and as such have developed our fellowship program with that goal in mind. We will match 5 fellowship positions each year and feature a night float system.

Take a look at a day in the life of a nephrology fellow at Duke.

We recognize that applicants will be impacted in complex, diverse, and unique ways during the COVID-19 crisis. Please remember that Duke uses holistic review of applicants for fairness and thoughtful review. We will continue to update this section as we make decisions regarding applications for the 2022 class.

We have a unique culture at Duke and strive to ensure each fellow will achieve their desired goal.

For more information about how to apply or how the interview day is constructed click here.

Thank you for your interest in our program. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Matthew A. Sparks, MD, Program Director
Harpreet Singh, MD, Associate Program Director
Christina Wyatt, MD, Associate Program Director
Tisha Quinn, Program Coordinator

2021 Nephrology Fellow Orientation Schedule

Thurs July 1st

GME Institutional Orientation

Individual start times will be assigned by the GME office. These will be based on your last name. Searle Center Lecture Hall

Brian Jones
Cassidy Onukwuli
Scott Robbins
Shawn Wang

Friday July 2nd

Nephrology Fellowship Program Orientation

Fri 8-10am with Dr Sparks and Solomiia Savedchuk, Chief Fellow *Breakfast provided

Location: Medical Science Research Building (MSRB) II
2nd Floor Conference Room – 2018
2 Genome Court Durham, NC 27710

After orientation, each of you will be teamed up with a 2nd year fellow to shadow before you run your own teams. You will need to contact your assigned fellow to figure out the logistics of each clinical assignment, including location, start time, etc.

Cassidy Onukwuli with Susan Murray on transplant
Brian Jones with Alex Grand on floor
Shawn Wang and Scott Robbins with Ray Geherty on acutes
Micah Schub with Anna Strasma on VA

Sat July 3rd and Sun July 4th

Shadow Assigned Fellows

Holiday Observed- Join your teams in the morning. Start times will vary.

Mon July 5th

12:30-2:00pm – Welcome Luncheon

Where: GRUB Durham
1200 W Chapel Hill St, Durham, NC 27701

Leadership and 1st year fellows

After the luncheon, you will rejoin your teams.

Tues July 6th

VA Orientation (Jones, Onukwuli, Robbins, Wang)
10:30a – 12:30p VA orientation, Where: TBD

12:30 – 1:30pm Nephrology Emergencies with Dr. Lehrich
Where: Hock Plaza 6th Floor Conference Room
2424 Erwin Road Durham, NC 27705

2:30p-4:30pm VA Nephrology Specific Orientation with Dr. Kourany and Sara Krome
(Jones, Onukwuli, Robbins, Schub, Wang)
***CPRS training is now done online. This needs to be complete before the CPRS set up meeting*** 3rd floot VA Room B3005

Wed July 7th

Today and every day after, run your teams on your own

12:00-1:00pm Transplant Basics with Scott Sanoff
Hock Plaza 6th Floor Conference Room
2424 Erwin Road Durham, NC 27705
Zoom Option available

Thursday July 8th

12:00-1:00pm CRRT Basics with Eugene Kovalik
Hock Plaza 6th Floor Conference Room
2424 Erwin Road Durham, NC 27705
Zoom Option available

Friday July 9th

12:00-1:00pm Potassium Basics with Mike Berkoben (no zoom)
1:00-2:00pm Dialysis Basics Hock Plaza 6th Floor Conference Room
2424 Erwin Road Durham, NC 27705 Mike Berkoben

Wed July 14th

1-3pm Duke Professional Headshots
*Bring white coats and badges* Duke South Cafeteria All 1st Years

Friday July 16th

12:00-1:00pm Vascular access from the perspective of the nephrologist with Pat Pun
Hock Plaza 6th Floor Conference Room
2424 Erwin Road Durham, NC 27705
Zoom Option available

Mon July 19th

12:00-1:00pm NxStage CRRT Basics with Pat Pun

Where VA Medical Center

Thurs July 22nd

12:00-1:00pm Kidney Biopsy Basics with John Duronville
Where: Hock Plaza 6th Floor Conference Room
2424 Erwin Road Durham, NC 27705
Zoom Option available

Friday July 23rd

12:00-1:00pm Peritoneal Dialysis Basics with John Duronville
Where: Hock Plaza 6th Floor Conference Room
2424 Erwin Road Durham, NC 27705
Zoom Option available

August 18th

4:00-5:00pm Nephropathology Basics with Laura Barisoni

Hock Plaza 6th Floor Conference Room
2424 Erwin Road Durham, NC 27705
Zoom Option available

2020 Nephrology Fellow Orientation Schedule

Wed July 1st

The majority of the GME orientation has been transitioned to modules for you to complete remotely. However, a small portion of orientation needs to be completed in person. You will be assigned a time for you to come on campus to attend in-person orientation. This should only take 30-45 mins. Please do not be late to this assigned time. This will start promptly at your assigned time. Instructions for the online modules is attached.

Thurs July 2nd


Duke North (Main Hospital) Amphitheater 2020
7:30am PPE Training

MSRB2 2nd Floor Conference Room 2 Genome Court Durham, NC 27710
8-10am Orientation with Dr Sparks and Rebecca Ruf, Chief Fellow *Breakfast provided
10-10:30am Break
10:30-1pm Program Specific Orientation with Fellowship Leaders *lunch provided

After orientation, each of you will be teamed up with a 2nd year fellow to shadow before you run your own teams. You will need to contact your assigned fellow to figure out the logistics of each clinical assignment, including location, start time, etc.

  • Alex will be paired with Racquel Holmes on transplant
  • Ray will be paired with Irma Husain on floor
  • Solomiia will be paired with Sarah Nystrom on acutes
  • Anna will be paired with Ije Okereke on VA

6pm New Fellows Welcome Call (a calendar invite has been sent)

Fri July 3rd


You will join your teams in the morning. Start times will vary.

Hock Plaza 6th Floor Conference Room– 2424 Erwin Road Durham, NC 27705

12:30-1:30pm Nephrology Emergencies Lecture with Dr Ruediger Lehrich

After the lecture, you will rejoin your teams.

Sat July 4th and Sun July 5th


Mon July 6th


You will join your teams in the morning. Start times will vary.

VA Orientation – Education office (NG037) Ground Floor Map and ID list attached

10:30am-12:30pm VA Orientation
12:30-1:30pm Lunch Break
1:30 – 3:30pm Nephrology VA Training with Dr Wissam Kourany (location TBD)

After the lecture, you will rejoin your teams.

Tues July 7th


You will shadow your teams all day. Start times will vary.

Wed July 8th


Today and every day after, you will run your own teams.

Duke South Amphitheater/Food Court Area

11:30am Get photo taken for department headshot

MSRB2 2nd flood conference room 2 Genome Court Durham, NC 27710

12-1pm Transplant Basics with Dr Jessica Morris

After the lecture, you will rejoin your teams.

Thurs July 9th


Hock 6th floor conference room 2424 Erwin Road Durham, NC 27705

12-1pm CRRT Basics with Dr Eugene Kovalik

Fri July 10th


Hock 6th floor conference room – 2424 Erwin Road Durham, NC 27705

12-1pm Potassium Basics with Dr Michael Berkoben

1-2pm Dialysis Basics with Dr Michael Berkoben

Mon July 13th


MSRB2 2nd flood conference room– 2 Genome Court Durham, NC 27710

12-1:30pm Kidney Biopsy Basics with Dr John Duronville

Nephrology Fellowship Interviews in era of COVID-19

We recognize that applicants will be impacted in complex, diverse, and unique ways during the COVID-19 crisis. Please remember that Duke uses holistic review of applicants for fairness and thoughtful review. We will continue to update this section as we make decisions regarding applications for 2020-2021.
Click here for information on how to apply

What changes have we made secondary to COVID-19?

Our division has adapted to social distancing during COVID-19. Below we will provide a few frequently asked questions.

How many fellows are accepted each year?

We plan to match 5 fellows into our program

Do you have a separate research track in the Match?

Duke Nephrology has a long standing history of success in training physician scientists. Our philosophy is to recruit 5 outstanding fellows into our program. Each fellow as the option to enter into our research or other tracks. Thus, we have decided to not have a separate research track in the match but once the fellow arrives our goal is to provide mentorship and support to help guide the fellow on the appropriate career track (research, clinical concentration, global health, education, etc).

How will interviews be conducted for fellowship applications for the July 2021 start?

All interviews will be conducted virtually using Zoom. We are working to provide each applicant or interested applicant with sufficient materials (video/print/website) in order to allow each to get a feel for our program culture and unique opportunities at Duke.

How have the educational conferences changed as a result of social distancing?

We had been using Zoom to record our lectures even before COVID-19. Now, we have shifted all conferences virtually to Zoom.

How about outpatient experiences? Are those affected?

Each fellow is assigned their own panel of patients (precepted by a designated faculty member). Most outpatient encounters are happening in person at Duke and via telephone or video visits at the VA. (if a patient needs to be seen in person that is arranged).

Any change to inpatient rounding during COVID-19?

While the Durham-Raleigh area is still experiencing a steady number of patients with COVID-19, our hospitals have not be overwhelmed with cases. Thus, we have not had to change our rounding structure, which includes a dedicated night float.

Nephrology Grants Resource Site

This past week Dr. Wolf unveiled a long time project site to aid all researchers in the division  in navigating the grants resources available to staff and faculty. Big thanks to Dr. Wolf and his Associate in Research, Stephanie Croall, on putting in long hours in curating this well informed site to make the grant writing and submission process easier.

Click here to visit the page.

Division appreciation event at Urban Axes

Our annual appreciation event geared towards faculty and fellows was held at Urban Axes this year!


Congratulations to the Urban Ax MVP: 1st place winner Alex Grabner!

The Showdown: JP Middleton vs. Alex Grabner

The winning shot:



Big thanks to everyone who came!



Half way there!

Image result for halfway there meme

Recruitment season is half way through. Thanks to our amazing fellows for taking charge and letting everyone know how great the program is! The feedback has been very positive!


2019 Orientation Schedule

Key Reminders

As we move into an online platform please make sure to visit often to see updates.

This site will provide information for the fellows as well as some items that will be useful for the faculty including:

  • Directory
  • Conferences
  • Durham VA
  • Tech Tips

Some of the pages are password protected as they contain information that is not meant for the public. The password was sent in an initial email pertaining to the sites activity

Take time to look around and provide any feedback regarding additional information that would be helpful to incorporate into the site.

