Home » Hyponatremia (DDAVP Clamp)

Fellowship Program Leadership

Matthew A. Sparks, MD

Associate Director-
Harpreet Singh, MD

Associate Director-
Rasha Raslan, MD

Program Coordinator-
Ashley McPherson

Chief Fellow-
Aruna Phekoo, MD

Hyponatremia (DDAVP Clamp)

This is a safe way of correcting serum sodium in patients at high risk for over correction.

  • Should only be used in patients with severe hyponatremia with high risk of over correction (hypokalemia, tea and toast, volume depletion).
  • Should not be used if they have volume overload or are symptomatic.
  • If overcorrection has ALREADY occurred this is termed reactive DDAVP and it is NOT a clamp.
  • DDAVP Clamp is when this is done before correction has started

AJKD Paper Sood et al 2013 QI report of 25 patients

CJASN Paper Rafat et al 2014 Observational study 20 patients



From MacMillan et al 2015

D5W infusion for patients with hyponatremia in patients on CRRT