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Fellowship Program Leadership

Matthew A. Sparks, MD

Associate Director-
Harpreet Singh, MD

Associate Director-
Rasha Raslan, MD

Program Coordinator-
Ashley McPherson

Chief Fellow-
Aruna Phekoo, MD

VA Dialysis Unit Hyperkalemia Policy

March 2021

Subject: Hemodialysis Treatment of Patients with Severe Hyperkalemia

Purpose: To define the process and parameters of providing safe hemodialytic management of severe hyperkalemia.

Rationale: Severe hyperkalemia (Serum Potassium≥7.0) is a life-threatening condition which is managed with acute hemodialysis treatment. However, both hyperkalemia itself and rapid dialytic changes in serum potassium levels have the potential of inducing life threatening cardiac arrhythmias. Therefore, dialysis should be performed under central telemetry-monitored conditions with appropriate staff oversight whenever possible. However, the clinical situation may dictate that the need for expedient dialysis to correct hyperkalemia may outweigh the risks of intradialytic cardiac events.


  1. All patients who are known to have a severe hyperkalemia (Serum Potassium≥7.0) prior to initiating dialysis treatment should undergo dialysis in a telemetry monitored unit instead of the 3B Dialysis unit.
  2. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by and documented in the chart by the nephrology consult attending.
  3. There will be no exceptions to this policy for emergent dialysis initiated for severe hyperkalemia (Serum Potassium≥7.0) after normal operating hours (Monday-Saturday, 7AM to 6PM).
Patrick Pun, MD MHS FASN
Medical Director, Durham VA Hospital Dialysis Unit
Durham VA Health Care System
508 Fulton St, Durham NC 27705
Office: 919-286-0411 ext. 17-5654

Pager: 919-970-2991