As we are trying to reduce/limit exposure to COVID+ patients both for personal safety and to preserve the supply of PPE, I recommend that we move to obtaining phone consent for dialysis procedures (HD, PD, CVVHD, line placement) for all COVID+/PUI patients.
This can be done as follows:
Call the patient. All the COVID wards on 6B, 7B have working telephones in the patient room. Pro Tip: The extension of the phone number for each patient room is the last 4 digits after the ward room number in CPRS. (i.e. in the example below, to call the patient, call “17-2521”) . At the present time, I do not believe that the ICU rooms have telephones—you may need to work with ICU staff on how to call the patient
You will need a witnessing RN, MD, NP, or PA who is not involved in the patient’s care to verify the consent.
To obtain a telephone consent from a patient with capacity you unfortunately have to do a bit of a workaround (we are actively working on this)
- Pull up the consent form as usual from i-MED on CPRS at your workstation computer
- Until there is a workaround, Designate that they patient doesn’t have decision making capacity to get to the telephone consent (even if they do)
- Click the telephone consent section on the following screen
- Follow the instructions on the next screen to complete the consent with a third party witness
- Be sure to note that the patient DOES have capacity in the chart and the consent (I would add it under the surrogate name section)
Multiple simultaneous (bundled) consents: You may do several consents (2-3) for related procedures (such both IHD and CVVHD) as long as you fulfill the whole consent (assessment of decision making capacity, description of procedure, risks, benefits, alternatives, and answer pt questions) for EACH procedure fully. From the procedure collection screen you can use the “Ctrl” bottom to select all procedure you need.