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Fellowship Program Leadership

Matthew A. Sparks, MD

Associate Director-
Harpreet Singh, MD

Associate Director-
Rasha Raslan, MD

Program Coordinator-
Ashley McPherson

Chief Fellow-
Aruna Phekoo, MD

External Conference Guide

Nephrology conferences held outside of Duke are a great opportunity to network and meet other faculty and fellows from institutions across the map. There are multiple sites you can visit to find upcoming conference dates. Some that are often attended by our own faculty and fellows are below. If you find others you are interested in attended. Please reach out to the program leadership to inquire.

Duke Nephrology Fellowship Allowance for Travel

The Division will provide up to $2000 for travel expenses for upper level fellows (2nd and 3rd years) may attend ASN Kidney Week or other conferences that the fellow would like to participate in (this includes virtual or in person conferences, such as GlomCon, ASN Board Review Course, etc). If you have a question if something qualifies please reach out to Dr Sparks. First year fellows will have $1500 to attend NKF Spring Clinical Meeting. Expenses in excess of $2000 or $1500 will have to be covered by personal funds or may be supplemented by the faculty mentor’s general research funds if applicable. With the approval of the Program Director, the Division may support a fellow’s travel to one additional meeting at which a paper is to be presented. These policies are contingent upon the availability of funding. Of note, you must turn in an itemized receipt in order to receive reimbursement. This annual funding support is provided to encourage conference participation, and we currently do not permit carryover of these funds from year to year.

For any upcoming reimbursements,  please let the program coordinator know the venue and estimated amount of the expense before you actually pay anything. We are going to review expenses for approval prior to reimbursements.

American Society of Nephrology (ASN) Kidney Week

Kidney Week is often held late October to early November time frame. Our division hosts an annual cocktail reception to bring together alumni, current faculty & fellows, and other institutions for potential collaboration and networking opportunities.

National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Spring Clinical Meeting

The National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings offer an extraordinary networking and learning opportunity for kidney health care professionals. Participants will enjoy a cutting-edge program presenting the newest developments related to all aspects of nephrology practice. Taught by internationally acclaimed faculty, the program features specialized courses, interactive workshops and lively debates.

Nephrology Business Leadership University, Dallas Renal Group, US Renal Care

NBLU is a unique weeklong program that brings together a diverse faculty of practicing nephrologists, hospital and dialysis provider executives, and other professionals who will share their insights on leadership and advocacy, the business of nephrology, and the evolving healthcare landscape.


AHA Hypertension

Considered one of the most important medical meetings on this subject in the world, the conference includes oral and poster presentations selected from abstracts submitted by clinical and basic researchers, followed by discussions led by leading authorities. With experts in the fields of hypertension and its relationship to cardiac and kidney disease, stroke, obesity, and genetics, attendees will have the opportunity to connect with cross-disciplinary researchers from around the world.

Origins of Renal Physiology

Origins of Renal Physiology is entirely unique among national renal short courses. The course provides participants with research tools that give them a deeper understanding of concepts of physiological homeostasis which is difficult to attain during normal clinical training schedules. This course is supported by a research education grant from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (1R25DK095727-01).


Home Dialysis University

These courses are targeted specifically towards graduating fellows at major academic institutions. They are presented by ISPD and are supported by unrestricted educational grants from Baxter Healthcare Corporation.Topics covered include:

  • Outcomes in PD and clinical considerations for patient selection
  • Kinetic modeling and prescription management
  • Fluid management in patients on PD
  • Reducing and managing infectious & non-​infectious complications
  • Elements of success in a home dialysis program
  • Fundamentals of Home hemodialysis
  • Benefits of daily Home hemodialysis
  • Access issues

NEW ASN has partnered with HDU called the Home Dialysis Project (HDP)

  1. Receive complimentary registration and travel support to attend an in-person HDU course in the Fall of 2023 August 27-29, 2023 or September 10-12, 2023 Locations for the in-person sessions are to be determined
  2. Participate in a 12-month virtual educational series designed to provide in-depth training on home dialysis therapies.

Eligibility Requirements for HDP

  1. Must be a 2nd or 3rd-year nephrology fellow in an ACGME-accredited training program when attending the in-person course.
  2. Must have never attended HDU before.
  3. Must have support from training program director to attend the course and participate in the 12-month (one hour per month) longitudinal education program.
  4. Can have variable prior home dialysis experience, from very limited experience to extensive exposure.

Application Here (deadline is June 1)

CRRT Academy

This annual symposium is open to nephrology and pulmonary/critical care fellows, clinicians, nurses, pharmacists and anyone interested in obtaining a practical understanding of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy.


NephroTalk is an annual 3-day course for nephrology fellows modeled on the VitalTalk courses. NephroTalk has been published and led to improved communication skills after training. The course is designed for nephrology fellows to achieve core competencies in palliative care communication skills.


KIDNEYcon is an annual three day educational event with a mission of fostering enthusiasm for research careers in nephrology among residents and fellows and to provide recent updates on relevant kidney topics. Dr. Sparks serves as the Education Director for this conference.



Ten $700 travel grants are available for fellows in training on a first-come first serve basis and requires a letter from the program director. One letter per institution.