Home » Duke Conference Descriptions and Schedules

Fellowship Program Leadership

Matthew A. Sparks, MD

Associate Director-
Harpreet Singh, MD

Associate Director-
Rasha Raslan, MD

Program Coordinator-
Ashley McPherson

Chief Fellow-
Aruna Phekoo, MD

Duke Conference Descriptions and Schedules

The Division of Nephrology sponsors a number of educational conferences which residents are expected to attend. These provide a formal didactic supplement to their practical clinical experiences.

View the current conference schedule here

Monday Conferences

Duke Basic Science Multidisciplinary Lab Meeting

Multi-Disciplinary Transplantation Conference

Kidney Transplant Quarterly Retreat

Board Review

Tuesday Conferences

Duke Transplant Academia Meeting

Wednesday Conferences

Nephrology Core Curriculum for Fellows

Duke Kidney Transplant Morbidity and Mortality Conference

Duke Glomerulonephritis (GN) Club

Thursday Conferences

Journal Club

Inter-Disciplinary VA Dialysis Conference

CKD Clinical and Health Policy Research Meeting

Friday Conferences

Divisional Research in Progress Conference

The Divisional Research in Progress conference is held once each month on Friday in lieu of Grand Rounds. A faculty member or fellow leads the conference, presenting his or her basic science or clinical research in progress. This provides a forum for the presenting faculty member or fellow to present and receive feedback on this research.

Nephrology Grand Rounds

Kidney Pathology Conference

Clinical Case Conference