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October GI Journal Club Summary – How to Read a Paper

Many thanks to the faculty and fellows who attended GI Journal Club in October.

Mike Heacock presented a paper published in the BMJ on how to read a paper, How to read a paper: Assessing the methodological quality of published papers.

There are five key questions to keep in mind:

  1. How does the paper add to the current medical knowledge?
  2. How is the population defined, and how does this population relate to your population of interest?
  3. Was the study sensible?
  4. What sort of bias may be contained in the paper? In particular, use caution with non-randomized intervention trials.
  5. Was assessment blinded? This point came up several times as we discussed the other articles in journal club.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, and don’t forget to check back in next week for the links to the November articles. Our next GI Journal Club will be Tuesday, November 29th, 2011.

October GI Journal Club Articles Posted Here

Our next GI Journal Club is just around the corner on Tuesday Oct 25th. Here are the articles in advance for your weekend reading. The participation and attendance at our September meeting was fantastic. Please plan on joining us Tuesday. Our conversations are richer with your presence, input and ideas.

Esophagus: The esophageal section will review some very recent articles about Barrett’s esophagus (BE) that I know will generate some interesting discussion. Cristal will be presenting the NEJM paper and Rick Wood will be the faculty discussant. Links to those the NEJM and Gastroenterology BE articles we will be discussing Tuesday are included here:

Hot Topic: For the “hot topic,” George will present a recent American Journal of Gastroenterology article on diagnosis of celiac disease. This paper changed my approach to a clinical case today:

Reviewing the Literature: Because we discussed colon cancer screening articles at our September meeting, we decided to include a paper from the BMJ series listed in the “Presenter Tips” section of this website. Mike Heacock will review this paper on appraising the literature. The specific link to the BMJ paper we’ll talk about on Tuesday is here:

Finally, here are links to some background papers and guidelines that might be pertinent to the discussion on Tuesday:

Background – Esophagus: From the same group that wrote the recent paper on LGD and BE, a recent paper on non-dysplastic BE:

Guidelines – Esophagus: There are guidelines about Barrett’s Esophagus from both the AGA (2011) and the ACG (2008) and these are listed here:

Guidelines – Celiac: The 2006 guideline on Celiac from the AGA is listed here. Please note that these guidelines will not be discussed in detail at journal club, but are provided here for reference.

Prior JC Conferences


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