Tag Archives: presentation

SPSP 2019

BABLab will have the following presentations at the 2019 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Convention in Portland, OR.


Please join us at the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality preconference on Thursday, February 7th. Two of our presentations will cover current research related to our ongoing Embodiment of Worship grant funded by the John Templeton Foundation.

Data Blitz

Embodying the Religious Experience: Full body representations of religion related feelings and prayer orientations.

Authors: Megan Edwards & Patty Van Cappellen, PhD

Poster Presentation

Are Postures Adopted During Church Service Related to Worship Experience?

Authors: Stephanie Cassidy & Patty Van Cappellen, PhD


Also! Poster Presentation from a visiting graduate student from the University of Warsaw, Poland

Religious belief and social cognition: The role of empathy and self-reported mind-reading skills

Authors: Pawel Lowicki & Marcin Zajenkowski


International Association of the Cognitive Science of Religion

Two presentations were given at this year's International Association of the Cognitive Science of Religion conference in Boston, MA.

The panel - Embodiment of Religion in Mind and Experience - was lead by Dimitris Xygalatas, PhD. and showcased two presentations related to our current research on the Embodiment of Worship:

"The Physicality of Religious Experiences: Relationships Between Body Postures and Feelings"    Presenter: Megan Edwards    Co-authors: Patty Van Cappellen, PhD & Stephanie Cassidy

"Influence of Religious Postures on Emotions, Humility and Image of God: Preliminary Findings"    Presenter: Stephanie Cassidy    Co-authors: Patty Van Cappellen, PhD, Kevin Ladd, PhD & Megan Edwards

Kevin Ladd, PhD. Brown Bag presentation

Kevin Ladd, PhD. (Indiana University South Bend, Department of Psychology) is joining us at Duke University for a Brown Bag presentation. Dr. Ladd is a consultant on our Embodiment of Worship grant. Come and hear about his research:

Labyrinths, mannequins, fMRI, and eyeballs: Toward a psychology of prayer

When: Friday, November 17, 2017 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Where: Soc/Psych building room 319

Dr. Ladd’s research interests include the interface of science & religion, prayer, wisdom, music, ritual, health, coping, prejudice, psychometrics, physiology, neuroimaging, synesthesia, spiritual transformation, character development, personality, clergy & congregational performance/satisfaction, magic.

Dimitris Xygalatas, PhD. Brown Bag presentation

Dimitris Xygalatas, PhD. (University of Connecticut, Department of Anthropology) is joining us at Duke University for a Brown Bag presentation. Dr. Xygalatas is a consultant on our Embodiment of Worship grant. Come and hear about his research:

What is ritual for? Psychological underpinnings of ritual behavior

When: Friday, November 10, 2017 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Where: Soc/Psych building room 319

Dr. Xygalatas’ interests include ritual, cooperation, and the interaction between cognition and culture. His research focuses on the application of scientific methods and technologies in ethnographic field research. You can find out more on his webpage here.