Worship 2.0: Effects of virtual worship
What are the effects of participating in virtual worship on flourishing, and do they rival that of in-person worship? Beginning in September 2024, this grant-funded project will examine the effects and mechanisms by which virtual worship impacts flourishing outcomes.
Hope: Bridging lived experiences, practice, and research
What is hope? In this grant-funded project set to begin in September 2024, we aim to further expand the psychological study of hope by engaging with lived experiences of practitioners and community members, including people of faith.
The role of religion for a compassionate world
Does religion promote compassion? If yes, how? These are critical questions we plan to address in a new 3-year grant funded project (Templeton Religion Trust)
Embodiment of emotions and embodiment in religion
This research looks at the relationships among postural, psychological, and physiological aspects of religious practice. It also provided unique data on full-body expressions of positive emotions.
Affective and biological predictors of religiosity and spirituality
Positive Emotions, Meditation, Behavior Maintenance
This research highlights the role of positive emotions when experienced during religious practice, meditation, and other health behaviors.
Toward a better understanding of religion's potential dark side
This research looks at the relationships between religion/spirituality, compliance and antisocial behavior.
Interdisciplinary research: Positive emotions in the Hebrew Bible
This research looks back at the fundamental texts of religion for a qualitative analysis of emotions.
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