Welcome to S3E01 – Lessons on Learning. In today’s episode, we introduce our newest co-host Fran Romano and editor Priya Juarez. We also speak with two Duke students and a Learning Consultant from the ARC (Academic Resource Center) who share their perspectives, experiences, and advice on learning! Thanks for tuning into yet another season of This Engineering Life 🙂
00:00 – New Team Member Intros; 1:50 – Duke Learning Consultant (Amanda);Â 13:45 – Remote Learning as a Freshman (Sophie); 23:45 -Senior Perspectives on Learning (Brooke); 31:05 – Episode Outro
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Don’t forget to check out our brand new Co-Host Fran Romano, and Editor Priya Juarez on our About Us page!
Episode Contributors
This week’s episode of This Engineering Life features a Duke Learning Consultant and a few incredible Duke students who share their experiences and advice relating to Learning Lessons!
Amanda Curtin Soydan, Ph.D. – Data Analyst and Duke Learning Consultant
Amanda is a Data Analyst and Duke Learning Consultant at the ARC. She holds a B.S. in Zoology and Geology, her Honors in Palaeontology, an M.S. in Zoology and a Ph.D. in Biological Science and Technology. Through her own experiences as a student and instructor, she developed an interest in higher education, student development, and the science of learning, which is what lead her to the ARC.

Brooke Watson – Senior studying BME and Computer Science
Brooke Watson is a senior at Duke studying Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science. With interests in merging the problem-solving nature of engineering with the application of business, she has previously interned at Google and is planning to work as an Associate Consultant at Bain & Company following graduation. On campus, Brooke enjoys tutoring young females in STEM through FEMMES and is currently involved in an Independent Study in which she is researching the application of intravaginal rings for HIV prevention.

Sophie Wu – Freshman Studying BME on the PreMed Track
Sophie Wu is a Freshman at Duke University, studying Biomedical Engineering on the pre-health track. She speaks to her take on navigating the freshman experience in the middle of a pandemic, and what she learned from her first semester of college. With the beginning of the spring semester, she is hoping to apply that knowledge to balance her coursework, social life, hobbies, and professional interests.