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Many of these recordings may be previewed and downloaded through many streaming platforms (iTunes, Bandcamp, Spotify, Bridge Records, e.g.)

The Music of Stephen Jaffe, Volume 4 (Bridge 9563). Light Dances (Chamber Concerto No.2), Sonata In Four Parts, String Quartet No. 2 (“Aeolian and Sylvan Figures”). Da Capo Chamber Players, Borromeo String Quartet, David Hardy, cello and Lambert Orkis, piano.  REVIEWS

The Music of Stephen Jaffe, Volume 3. (Bridge 9255) Concerto for Cello and OrchestraPoetry of the Piedmont, Cut Time, and Homage to the Breath: Instrumental and Vocal Meditations for mezzo soprano and ten players. Performers include: David Hardy, cello; Odense Symphony Orchestra of Denmark (Paul Mann, conducting); North Carolina Symphony (Grant Llewellyn, conducting); and the 21st Century Consort (Milagro Vargas, mezzo-soprano, Christopher Kendall, conducting).

The Music of Stephen Jaffe, Volume 2, including Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, and Chamber Concerto (“Singing Figures”) for Oboe and Ensemble. Bridge Records 9141. Performers include: Gregory Fulkerson, violin; Stephen Taylor, oboe; the Odense Symphony Orchestra of Denmark; and Speculum Musicae.

Four Pieces Quasi Sonata for Viola and Piano and Offering for flute, viola and harp on “ELATION”, new Albany recording. Review.

Designs (2002) for flute, guitar and percussion; Three Figures and a Ground (1989) for flute and piano. Arizona University Recordings, AUR CD 3123. Featuring Christine Gustafson, flute; William Anderson, guitar; Christopher Dean, percussion; and Lisa Emmenheiser, piano.

Spinoff for guitar on New Dance David Starobin, guitar. Bridge 9084 (1998). (Grammy Award Nominee, Best Instrumental soloist, 1999).Also recorded by Phillipe Azoulay, Guitar in USA GMR 3193 (2007).

Impromptu for piano, on Strange Attractors: New American Music for Piano, Albany CD (Troy 231). Patricia Goodson, piano (1997)

Fort Juniper Songs for soprano, mezzo-soprano and piano, on To Sun, To Feast & To Converse: New American Music for Vocal Duet. Albany CD (Troy 172). Terry Rhodes, soprano, Ellen Williams, mezzo-soprano, Stephen Jaffe, piano (1995)

Stephen Jaffe : The Rhythm of the Running PloughDouble Sonata, and Four Songs with Ensemble, Bridge CD BCD 9047. Speculum Musicae, D’Anna Fortunato, Anton Nel, Barry Snyder, Prism Orchestra (1994)

Three Figures and a Ground on The Now and Present Flute, Neuma 450-88. Patricia Spencer, flute, Linda Hall, piano (1994)

First Quartet for string quartet, Ciompi Quartet, Albany Records, Troy CD 073 (1993) Samples

Centering for two violins, Linda Quan, Curtis Macomber, violins. C.R.I. 513 (1983) Reissued by New World.Arkiv Music

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