In 2018-19, the Sanford School of Public Policy convened to articulate strategic priorities. Together, our community flagged four areas for advancing the excellence of our school. Our priorities are:

For each of these priorities, we identified action items. This website shares our progress as of January 2023.

We appreciate the efforts by our faculty, staff, alumni and students in helping us move our priorities along, and we are grateful to our friends and donors for their support of our vision.

Enhance the impact and reputation of our research and expertise.

Secure endowed faculty positions.


Find new sources for pilot/seed funding for research productivity.


Increase capacity for research distribution.

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Build strength in key programmatic areas:

— Health Policy

Bar that reflects 75% progress

— Cybersecurity and Technology Policy

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Enhance research in International Development Policy.


Strengthen faculty mentoring programs.


Invest in policy connections and deep two-way engagement.

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Facilitate research-thematic conversations, seminars.

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Spur research at the intersection of policy and technology impact.

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Broaden and reimagine our professional offerings to equip students for the future of policy.

Create opportunities and find support for a talented and diverse student population.

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Launch curricular reform both within and across MPP/MIDP programs, to achieve synergies.

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Rethink MPP architecture, including flexibility and more modular options along with group projects.


Experiment and expand hybrid and online executive/modular options and/or mid-career degree options.

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Consider new graduate degrees and/or stronger concentrations.

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Broaden new competences in data science, analytics and governance technologies, as well as ethics of technology.


Explore MPP skills certificate in systemic racism and structural inequality.


Deepen our undergraduate experience to inspire students to lives of service and leadership.

Tie undergraduate curriculum and events closer together for depth.


Expand the use of technologies to promote deeper learning.

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Provide opportunities for reflection.

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Create more immersive, hands-on research and engagement experiences.

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Expand elective opportunities in our core areas.


Improve the integration of the internship experience into the major.


Build an undergraduate certificate program in systemic racism and structural inequality.


Expand our lifelong engagement with our alumni and stakeholders.

Engage more faculty in exchanges with alumni through events and programs/Increase faculty participation in alumni events.

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Find new ways to connect alumni with current students and with other alumni for networking benefits.

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Explore new channels for delivering campus-based programming to a broader audience beyond Durham.

Bar that reflects 75% progress

Engage with policymakers to help facilitate policy dialogue around key themes where Sanford has expertise.
