New paper by Amasino, Sullivan, Kranton, & Huettel published in Nature Human Behavior! See related story at Duke Today.
Sherry Yang presents at SNP poster session
Duke undergraduate Sherry Yang presented her research on medical decision making at the poster session for the Summer Neuroscience Program. Congratulations, Sherry, on a great project!
Congratulations to Amanda!
Congratulations to Amanda Utevsky, David Smith, and Jake Young for their paper “Large-Scale Network Coupling with the Fusiform Cortex Facilitates Future Social Motivation,” which was just accepted to eNeuro!
Congratulations to Rosa Li!
New paper Five-year-olds do not show ambiguity aversion in a risk and ambiguity task with physical objects Paper by Rosa Li and colleagues has been accepted in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. Congratulations to Rosa on having two papers accepted…
Congratulations to Rosa Li and David Smith!
Huettel Lab paper, Reason’s Enemy Is Not Emotion: Engagement of Cognitive Control Networks Explains Biases in Gain/Loss Framing, has been accepted in the Journal of Neuroscience. Congratulations to co-first authors Rosa Li and David Smith!
Huettel Lab climbs Duke Chapel
The lab takes a break from normal activities (i.e., typing) to climb the 239 steps to the top of Duke Chapel. All lab members were accounted for afterward.
Nature Neuroscience: Viewpoint on vmPFC
In the first Nature Neuroscience “Viewpoint” debate, Scott Huettel discusses the value perspective on vmPFC function.
New Paper from McKell Carter
Congratulations to McKell Carter for his accepted paper, A Nexus Model of the Temporal-Parietal Junction, which will be published in Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
New Paper from Rene San Martin
Congratulations to Rene San Martin on his paper, Rapid brain responses independently predict gain-maximization and loss-minimization during economic decision-making, which was published in the Journal of Neuroscience.