
About Us

We study the neural basis of decision making and related aspects of cognition. Key techniques include functional neuroimaging, computational modeling, eye tracking and other behavioral measurements, genetic and hormonal analyses, and other behavioral and physiological measures in human participants.

Brain Games

What can economic games tell us about human cognition and behavior?

Our Team

The Huettel Lab is comprised of people from varied backgrounds, all with a unique perspective influenced by their respective academic backgrounds. Ranging from social psychology to economics to moral philosophy, the Huettel Lab has a broad, diverse collection of researchers working in an open, collaborative lab to try and help further our understanding of human decision making.

Scott Profile

Scott Huettel

Principal Investigator


Clara Sandu

Laboratory Manager & Research Associate


Nitisha Desai

Postdoctoral Fellow


Deborah Cesarini

Graduate Student

Jade Terry

Graduate Student

Victoria Lee

Postdoctoral Fellow

Join Us


The Cognitive Neuroscience Research Internship (CNRI) is a fully paid semester-long research internship for Duke undergraduates.


Check out our published studies!
