All flyers to be posted on digital signage must be be saved as .jpg files and sized at 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels (26.67″ wide x 15″ high)  and the image resolution must be either 72 or 96 dpi.

Exporting a .jpg or .png in PowerPoint

    1. Go to File –> Export
    2. Give your file a descriptive name.
    3. Choose “JPEG” or “PNG”  from the “Save as type” list.
    4. Choose “Current Slide Only” when asked what slides you want to export from the presentation.
      Export what?
    5. Width=1920, Height=1080
    6. Choose your file destination
    7. Click Export

Saving a .jpg in Keynote

    1. Go to File –> Export To –> Images…
    2. Under Slides select “From 1 to 1”
    3. Format should be “JPEG (High Quality)”
    4. Click Next
    5. Give your file a descriptive name
    6. Click Export

Saving a .jpg in Publisher

    1. Go to File –> Save As
    2. Give your file a descriptive name.
    3. Choose “JPEG File Interchange Format” from the “Save as type” list.
    4. The default resolution will be set to “Standard printing (150)”; click on the “Change…” button below this.
    5. Choose “Web (96 dpi) then click “OK”.
    6. Then click “Save”.


Duke provides a publishing system, called DukeFlyer, for anyone with a NetID to submit flyers to digital signage displays across campus. Users can easily monitor when and where their flyers are displayed. DukeFlyer also allows digital signage display owners a way to easily manage their own flyers as well as flyers submitted by other departments and users.

Guidelines for flyers

Download a blank template

Submit to DukeFlyer