All flyers to be posted on digital signage must be be saved as .jpg files and sized at 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels (26.67″ wide x 15″ high) and the image resolution must be either 72 or 96 dpi.
Exporting a .jpg or .png in PowerPoint
- Go to File –> Export
- Give your file a descriptive name.
- Choose “JPEG” or “PNG” from the “Save as type” list.
- Choose “Current Slide Only” when asked what slides you want to export from the presentation.
- Width=1920, Height=1080
- Choose your file destination
- Click Export
Saving a .jpg in Keynote
- Go to File –> Export To –> Images…
- Under Slides select “From 1 to 1”
- Format should be “JPEG (High Quality)”
- Click Next
- Give your file a descriptive name
- Click Export
Saving a .jpg in Publisher
- Go to File –> Save As
- Give your file a descriptive name.
- Choose “JPEG File Interchange Format” from the “Save as type” list.
- The default resolution will be set to “Standard printing (150)”; click on the “Change…” button below this.
- Choose “Web (96 dpi) then click “OK”.
- Then click “Save”.
Duke provides a publishing system, called DukeFlyer, for anyone with a NetID to submit flyers to digital signage displays across campus. Users can easily monitor when and where their flyers are displayed. DukeFlyer also allows digital signage display owners a way to easily manage their own flyers as well as flyers submitted by other departments and users.