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Consortium for Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology Posts

International conference: Regium@Lepidi Project 2200 Comparing archaeologies for the reconstruction of the Roman city

Join us for the grand opening of the Regium@Lepidi 2200 Virtual Museum on May 30, 2015! Celebrations include an international conference organized by Duke University…

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New publication: Classical Archaeology in Context Theory and Practice in Excavation in the Greek World

Ed. by Haggis, Donald / Antonaccio, Carla (May 2015) This book compiles a series of case studies derived from archaeological excavation in Greek cultural contexts…

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Current Exhibition – The Hidden Campus: Archaeological Glimpses of UNC in the Nineteenth Century

March 19 through June 11, 2015 The University of North Carolina enjoys the distinction of being the nation’s oldest public-supported university and has a rich…

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