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Planet Duke: Classic digs go digital!, Maurizio Forte (Duke University) in Duke Magazine (March 14, 2016).

Alicia Jiménez (Duke University) Jesús Bermejo (York University) and Martin Luik (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) gave a paper at the last AIA and SCS (New Orleans, Jan. 2015) about the new fieldwork project they are setting up at the Roman camps of Renieblas (Spain).

Structuring cities in the past and present: Drew Cabaniss, classical archaeology senior at UNC Chapel Hill, publishes information about his fieldwork in Crete at OURblog.

Haggis headed to ASCSA, 2015-2016.Donald Haggis was appointed Elizabeth A. Whitehead Visiting Professor at the American School of Classical Studies  in Athens (ASCSA), for the academic year 2015-2016, by vote of the Managing Committee of the School in January at the Annual Meetings of the Archaeological Institute of America in New Orleans. Haggis will be one of two visiting faculty members in residence at the ASCSA next year, conducting research and occasional seminars.The Azoria project in the news! Read the whole story (Ghost cities of Greece) by Tim Lerow at Duke Magazine.

The proposal “CyberArchaeology – Virtual Reality and E-science meets Archaeology” (PI Marcelo Knorich Zuffo, University of Sao Paulo, CO-PIs Maurizio Forte and Regis Kopper for Duke) awarded with grant from FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation) (Dec 8, 2014)

Professor Carla Antonaccio gave the Zarbin Annual Lecture in the Department of Classics at Dartmouth College, speaking about “How Greek is Greek Art? Originals, Mashups, and Identity in the Past” (Oct 9, 2014).

Traces of the Past: An Exhibition on Archaeology/Technology/Imagery, (Oct 12 – Nov 30, 2014) Duke University, Smith Warehouse, Bays 10 & 11

UNC Chapel Hill Alumna Robinson publishes edited volume with the Journal of Roman Archaeology

Meet the CCMA newest tenure-track faculty member, Assistant Professor Alicia Jiménez, in the profile on Duke Today (9/29/14)

The Department’s Global offerings (Duke in Rome, the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome, and Duke in Crete) attracted many students at Duke’s Global Education Fair (9/16/14; see second photo).

Donald Haggis and students from the department were recently featured in The News & Observer for their work on the Azoria Project.

News from Duke in Tuscany (Summer 2014), directed by Prof. Maurizio Forte: intact Etruscan tomb digitally recorded by Duke fieldschool.

Antonaccio and Forte both secure Mellon funding for integrating archaeology fieldwork through vertically integrated teams

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