Mentoring Programs

Graduate-Undergraduate Mentoring Program

We have already matched graduate mentors with undergraduate mentees in round one of our program. If you have been matched to a mentor/mentee and have questions, please email the program coordinator Christina Bejjani.

If you are still interested in being a mentor or mentee, please sign up for our listserv to learn about future rounds. In the meantime, there are several other mentorship opportunities at Duke and around Durham including Duke Women’s Center Mentoring Network and Women and Mathematics Mentoring Program.

Thanks for your interest!


Other Mentoring Events:

Radiation Oncology with “Women and Math Mentoring Program”

March 9, 2018

Local 8th grade girls and their mentors from Women and Math mentoring program visited the Duke radiation oncology department. The girls got to hear from female medical physicists, physicians, radiation therapists, and students about career paths in medicine. The girls also got to see the treatment facilities including MRI scanners, CT scanners, devices used to keep patients still during imaging and treatment, computer programs used to develop radiation therapy treatment plans, and radiation therapy linear accelerators.