Katie is a third year biomedical engineering PhD student in Dr. Lingchong You’s lab. She studies synthetic gene circuits to control bacteria to produce useful molecules on demand. In her free time, she also likes hiking, watching the latest Netflix series and exploring new places with friends and family. |

Meghan Reynolds is a third year PhD student in Brent Hoffman’s lab. She is looking into cellular and molecular mechanotransduction, with a specific interest in mechanotransduction at the plasma membrane. During her free time she enjoys spending time with friends, reading, and finding new places to eat and drink around Durham! |

![Emily Pic]()

Isabel is a fifth-year PhD student in the University Program of Genetics and Genomics, studying the role of mitochondria during cell invasion of basement membranes in the Sherwood lab. Isabel obtained her BS at UNC – Chapel Hill in 2015. She enjoys running, making art, and exploring Durham in her spare time. |
Katie info |

Dr. Ingram is an Assistant Research Professor at Duke University in the Duke Asthma, Allergy, and Airway Center. Her work focuses on understanding the molecular pathways that lead to airway remodeling in asthma. She grew up in Princeton, North Carolina and she earned her B.S. and Ph.D. from North Carolina State University. |