Home » OIT » LinkedIn Learning is here!

LinkedIn Learning is here!

Duke’s Office of Information Technology is pleased to announce that Duke has transitioned from LinkedIn’s popular learning site lynda.com to their new platform LinkedIn Learning.

To access LinkedIn Learning at Duke, connect here: http://training.oit.duke.edu/lil. Take this opportunity to refine or develop your professional skills, learn new software, and explore!

If you have saved or shared lynda.com tutorials, please check and update links, as appropriate.

Key LinkedIn Learning features include:

  • over 13,000 courses covering business, technology, and creative topics (including those tutorials that were already in the lynda.com library)
  • personalized learning experience powered by the LinkedIn network
  • a Q&A feature that fosters interactive peer-to-peer and learner-to-instructor learning across LinkedIn’s 590M+ professional community

A video tutorial on how to use LinkedIn Learning is available online: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/how-to-use-linkedin-learning/create-a-collection-2?u=77842946

If you have any questions or concerns, email: oit-training@duke.edu.

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