Ryan Koter, Helen Kaiser Scholarship Recipient, honored at Duke Health Professionals Scholarship Dinner


From left to right: Tiffany Nickel, former Helen Kaiser Scholarship recipients Leigh Anne Martino and Sarah Funderburg, Ryan Koter, Dr. Michel Landry, and John McCall

On Friday, April 8, 2016, our very own second-year DPT student, Ryan Koter, was honored at the Duke Health Professionals Scholarship Dinner for receiving the Helen Kaiser Scholarship. Recipients of the Helen Kaiser Scholarship are expected to demonstrate a strong sensitivity to, and appreciation for, the diversity in all individuals, and Ryan Koter could not be a more worthy recipient. Continue reading

Dr. David E. Attarian published in the ASA Monitor

david-e.attarian-md-facs_5We would like to recognize David E. Attarian, MD, FACS, Chief Medical Officer of the Duke Private Diagnostic Clinic and Professor and Executive Vice Chair of Orthopaedic Surgery at Duke, who has co-authored an article featured in the ASA Monitor:

The Future of Peri-operative Medicine
Solomon Aronson, M.D., M.B.A., FACC, FCCP, FAHA, FASEDavid E. Attarian, M.D., FACS

The cost of health care is unsustainable. By 2020, with approximately 50 percent of adults predicted to have one chronic disease and 25 percent to have multiple diseases, an estimated 19 percent of the United States gross domestic product will be devoted to health care. Additional burdens on the system are expected from an aging population, with Americans aged 65 years or older projected to reach $55 million by 2020 and $72 million by 2030. As a consequence, Medicare spending (Part A, B and D) is expected to be $542 billion in deficit by 2025.1

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Clinical Webcast on April 12, 2016 | Infinity Ankle: Tips and Trips; How to increase Your Chances of Success! | Featuring James K. DeOrio, MD

James DeOrio orthopedic surgery faculty studio headshot

April 12, 2016
8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. EST

Clinical Webcast | Infinity Ankle: Tips and Trips; How to increase Your Chances of Success!
Featuring James K. DeOrio, MD

PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this session at least 15 minutes prior to the start time.  Click on the Event Link below to register.

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This webcast contains a visual and audio component. You will log in via a computer and then utilize the audio conference option by calling in via a phone or using a computer headset.

You may now connect to our webinars using an iPad and most mobile devices by downloading the WebEx Meetings app.

Congratulations to Amy Pastva, PT, PhD, for being published in The American Journal of Cardiology

Amy Pastva, Ph.D., Instructor, Department of Physical Therapy

Amy Pastva, PT, PhD

Comparison of frequency of frailty and severely impaired physical function in patients ≥60 years hospitalized with acute decompensated heart failure vs chronic stable heart failure with reduced and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction.

The American Journal of Cardiology (2016), doi:  10.1016/j.amjcard.2016.03.046.
Authors: Reeves GR, Whellan DJ, Patel MJ, O’Conner CM, Duncan P, Eggebeen JD, Morgan TM, Hewston LA, Pastva AM, Kitzman DW. 
Older patients with acute decompensated heart failure are frequently frail with severe and widespread impairments in physical function, cognition, mood, and quality of life that may contribute to their persistently poor outcomes, are often unrecognized, are not addressed in current ADHF paradigms, and may be potentially modifiable with targeted interventions. Based on these findings, we developed a novel rehabilitation intervention to address the severe physical function deficits, which is currently being tested in a recently launched, multi center NIH-funded clinical trial: A Trial of Rehabilitation Therapy in Older Acute Heart Failure Patients (REHAB-HF) (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02196038). 

Updates from the March 2016 American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) Touching Hands Project mission trip to San Pedro Sula, Honduras



Touching Hands Project – March 2016 – included 7 members of the Duke Medical Community: 2 members from Duke Orthopaedics, 2 members from the Duke Hand Therapy staff, and 3 from the Duke anesthesiology team.


The THP team visited 2 orphanages and one school in San Pedro Sula. They enjoyed reading and serving dinner at the girls’ home, and playing in a competitive soccer match at the boys’ orphanage.

This trip to Honduras was comprised of a special group that bonded from the outset and we enjoyed many special memories together; from the busy Sunday clinic seeing over 120 patients, to our community visits that included two orphanages, the inspirational Motivo School, an educational session by our therapists for Genesis Apparel, a tour of Elcatex and Francis/SanMar – and, of course, a week filled with incredible experiences in the operating room. Continue reading

Congratulations to Drs. Karas, Riboh, and Garrigues for being published in JBJS Reviews

We would like to congratulate (pictured above, left to right) Vasili Karas, MD, MS; Jonathan C. Riboh, MD; and Grant E. Garrigues, MD, for having their journal article, “Arthroscopic Management of the Stiff Shoulder,” published in the April 2016 edition of JBJS Reviews.


➢ Shoulder stiffness affects a diverse population of patients suffering a decrease in function and shoulder pain. Arthroscopic management of this debilitating spectrum of pathology is a safe and effective course of action in cases recalcitrant to nonoperative therapy.

➢ Arthroscopic management of the stiff shoulder has been reported to be effective in the treatment of stiffness due to adhesive capsulitis, birth palsy, stiffness in the setting of rotator cuff tears, and osteoarthritis in the posttraumatic patient, in the postoperative patient, and in the throwing athlete.

➢ Arthroscopic management is most effective in treating the stiff shoulder in the setting of adhesive capsulitis recalcitrant to nonoperative therapy or posttraumatic stiffness. Results are more guarded in the treatment of postoperative stiffness.

➢ Excessive force and trauma to the shoulder, including fracture of the humerus, can be avoided with a 360° capsular release for shoulder stiffness rather than manipulation under anesthesia.

To read the full article, please visit: http://reviews.jbjs.org/content/4/4/e2?cpetoc.