Congratulations to Dr. Katie Willard, who successfully defended her thesis titled Viral and Host Factors Drive Spontaneous Reactivation of Type 1 Epstein Barr Virus. Katie has worked hard and we’re excited to see what she does next on her scientific journey! Awesome work Dr. Willard!
Author: Marc Leazer
Katie’s Paper was Accepted!
Congrats to Katie on her paper, Viral and host factors drive a type 1 Epstein-Barr virus spontaneous lytic phenotype, getting accepted with ASM’s mBio! Her paper focuses on EBV-associated endemic Burkitt Lymphoma cells that spontaneously enter the lytic state as opposed to remaining latent, and explores the mechanisms of why this occurs. Check out the… Continue Reading Katie’s Paper was Accepted!
Lab Folks at the International Herpesvirus Workshop
Some of our lab members attended the International Herpesvirus Workshop in Montana, where they had the opportunity to hear great talks about current research on EBV and other herpesviruses like CMV, HSV, and KSHV. They also had a chance to explore Missoula, MT and took some great pictures. They even got to rock out to… Continue Reading Lab Folks at the International Herpesvirus Workshop
Lyla’s Paper was Accepted!
Congratulations to Lyla on her newly accepted paper to AACR’s Molecular Cancer Research entitled CBF-Beta Mitigates PI3K-Alpha–Specific Inhibitor Killing through PIM1 in PIK3CA-Mutant Gastric Cancer. This is great research highlighting the mechanisms of resistance to small molecule inhibitors in EBV-associated gastric cancer. Check out the paper here.
Trip to the lemur center
The Luftigres took an afternoon to explore the Duke Lemur Center, where we learned about the lemurs housed there and how such a unique operation is run to the highest standard. And, of course, we got some great pics of the lemurs themselves!
Congratulations to Dr. Stanland!
Congratulations to Dr. Lyla Stanland, who successfully defended her thesis titled EBV-Associated Gastric Cancer: From Initial Infection to Unique Therapeutic Approaches. Lyla will be doing exciting new work as the Associate Director of Oligo Therapeutics with EnFuego Therapeutics. Way to go Dr. Stanland!
Keystone Conference
A few Luftigres traveled to Keystone, CO for the B Cell Biology in the Context of Infectious Diseases, Autoimmunity and B Cell Cancers Symposium. In addition to hearing great talks, they were able to explore beautiful Keystone, play a round of golf, and present some posters!
Our most recent paper was published in Frontiers!
Our most recent paper Epstein-Barr virus perpetuates B cell germinal center dynamics and generation of autoimmune-associated phenotypes in vitro was published in the latest issue of Cell Reports! Congratulations to first co-authors Elliott and Nico, with Gillian as another contributing author! Check out the abstract below for a sneak-peak, but make sure to go read… Continue Reading Our most recent paper was published in Frontiers!
Luftigres at the MGM Retreat in Greensboro!
The Luftig Lab attended the Duke MGM departmental retreat in Greensboro and got to listen in on many outstanding talks from MGM students about their current research, as well as the annual Joklik Lecture given by Dr. Graham Hatfull! Our very own Lyla gave a great talk about her project on PI3Ki resistance in gastric… Continue Reading Luftigres at the MGM Retreat in Greensboro!
Our latest paper was published in Cell Reports!
Our most recent paper Time-resolved transcriptomes reveal diverse B cell fate trajectories in the early response to Epstein-Barr virus infection was published in the latest issue of Cell Reports! Congratulations to first author Elliott, with Joanne Dai (former Luftig Lab member), Nico, and Ashley as other contributing authors! Check out the abstract below for a… Continue Reading Our latest paper was published in Cell Reports!