A Leadership Program for Duke Students with A Global Mindset

Entry 1 – Language Track

Our discussion of what makes an effective leader – particularly within the context of global leadership – as part of our first event for the Language Track was quite interesting. In reviewing various definitions of what constitutes global leadership and identifying some integral competencies that many renowned leaders have had in common, it became evident how these things will be important for me as I move forward. I hope to ultimately become a physician in an underserved community, and, with this in mind, some of the core competencies that were identified were cultural awareness and sensitivity, developing and maintaining relationships, effectively communicating, the ability to contend with ambiguity, and bridging intercultural communication gaps, which are all exceedingly important in navigating patient interactions and serving as an effective and compassionate healthcare professional. I have also undertaken a considerable amount of non-profit work, even founding my own substance use/addiction advocacy organization, The June Group, and these leadership qualities are indispensable when piloting community partnerships and implementing new programs or initiatives. After graduating from Duke, I hope to expand the scope of my non-profit while also pursuing a career in healthcare, and I believe that everything that was discussed in our first event is relevant to such endeavors.

In reflecting upon what has helped me to foster some of the aforementioned characteristics, I think that much of the volunteer work that I have done within the various communities that I have been a part of has been most impactful. I have done a considerable amount of work with underrepresented minority groups, especially within the context of substance use, and it is incredibly important to espouse each of the core competencies that I previously mentioned so as to most profoundly and empathetically aid those in need. I will certainly be prioritizing the further development of these skills in the future, and I hope to do so by actively seeking out opportunities to interact with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. My focus will likely be related to my non-profit work, as I’ve mentioned, but there are certainly many ways through which one can develop these “leadership” skills; frankly, many of these core competencies are important simply to become a more compassionate, culturally aware, and well-rounded individual, regardless of their relevance to leadership.


Intercultural Journal


Language Track Reflection

1 Comment

  1. Ling Jin

    Thanks, Ethan, for sharing your reflection as well as how global leadership skills are tied to your long-term career goals. Although when we talk about global leadership, we talk more about cultural differences between countries/nations, these skills also apply to different cultures and ethnic groups within a country. It’s great that you are already doing amazing work in the field, and thinking about these important questions. Keep up the great work!

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