Local Project Updates
Data Clean Up Project – As mentioned in the last newsletter, we’re focusing on our data this fiscal year. The Metadata and Discovery Services section and Library Systems and Integration Support department (LSIS) have worked together to define and script an extract of our data to sent to OCLC. OCLC will sync our title and holdings data and theirs, a process previously called reclamation.
Work on importing data into FOLIO continues with loading of closed order records. We’re also negotiating through feels and fines and requirements about any retention of those historical records.
The Juniper release was installed on our development server last week. LSIS and our stakeholders will validate the upgraded data and check our current workflows over the coming few weeks. There are some new features that will be important to the Courses app included in this release. Full release notes are available on the FOLIO wiki.
International Project Updates
Kiwi is on schedule to be released at the end of November. Kiwi introduces a new search algorithm, Elastic Search, in the Inventory module. Elastic Search will allow for faster retrieval of record sets and accurate counts of those record sets to be displayed. The previous search configuration gave estimated numbers in the result sets. With this switch to Elastic Search, facets for narrowing the results list will require more work and will be available again in a forthcoming release. Also coming in Kiwi is MARC holdings. Duke relies on MARC holdings, and it will be great
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For an update on our project plans for the remainder of this fiscal year, please view the slide deck linked below.
Bee Facts
It’s getting to be that time of year again, and now that we’re out and about more this fall, it’s likely some of us will come down with a cold. Honey and Lemon tea is an age-old recipe to help with sore throats.