In this issue:
Save the Date!
Steering Group Update

Library Systems and Integration Support Update
ERM Focused Applications
Watch This!
Bee Facts
Save The Date!
Duke FOLIO Forum
Wednesday, November 20 at 9:30 a.m.
Holsti-Anderson Family Assembly Room (Rubenstein 153).
All library staff are invited. An agenda will be forthcoming.
Steering Group Update
In August, the Steering Group made a recommendation to the Duke University Libraries’ Executive Group that we implement Electronic Resources Management-focused parts of FOLIO in Summer/Fall 2020.
The Steering Group also participated in a brainstorming session. We considered high-level subjects that need to be completed such as loading user data, integrating OCLC Connexion, and setting up our location structure. We wrote those subjects on sticky notes and placed them on whiteboards that were divided into quarters of the year. We worked on planning parallel timelines; one for the potential ERM-focused implementation and one for implementing all of FOLIO. The discussion that followed helped us think through the need to consider our timelines and make sure that staff are not overbooked on the different tasks that need to be done at the same time. We continued the discussion into our next meeting with discussion on how to organize smaller working groups and be sure that we are addressing the cross-app features (locations and item states are two) in a functional way. In the past, we’ve organized our working groups into functional areas and we need to take the time and decide if that’s the right decision for this implementation.
ERM-Focused Applications
So what does it mean to have an “ERM-Focused” implementation? An ERM system keeps track of agreements, licences, usage statistics and can help with the workflow involved in managing electronic resources. Virginia Martin and Julie Brannon developed a presentation showing what FOLIO apps would be involved, and how we might use them. Duke is not using an ERM application right now, so having one would be a benefit to us, making it easier to answer questions that come up about our electronic resources.
FOLIO ERM Overview Slides 9_5_19
Library Systems and Integration Support Update
An update of Aleph being is planned. OIT is requesting that we update Oracle to the most recent version. In order to update Oracle, we’ll need to update Aleph to the most recent version. Fortunately, a whole upgrade with new servers and a fresh installation won’t be necessary, but we will have to schedule a short window of downtime, tentatively planned for the December break. There are some new features which we’ll share soon, so we’ll need staff to help thoroughly test those as well as testing our regular tasks to be sure everything works as expected.
Watch This!
The most recent FOLIO Forum included an overview of apps that are included in acquisitions.
Bee Facts
Did you know that Pranayama is the Hatha yoga practice of breath control? And that it includes the “bee breath”?