4 lasers: 405, 488, 561, and 640nm
Parameters: 16 fluorescent detectors plus two Side Scatters (one 488 and the other 561) and Forward Scatter (off of 488) The Astrios High Speed Cell Sorter is our most versatile cell sorter. It has both 70-um and 100um nozzles to allow sorting of a decent variety of cell types. This sorter is a stream-in-air design capable of sorting 10,000-20,000 events per second. It is housed inside a Baker Bioprotect III tissue culture hood for increased biosafety. It can sort up to six populations simultaneously into tubes, as well as one-way sorting into 96- and 384- well plates with index sorting to identify individual cells in single cell sorting mode. View or Download Instrument Configuration4 lasers: 405, 488, 561, and 640nm
Parameters: 16 fluorescent detectors plus two Side Scatters (one 488 and the other 561) and Forward Scatter (off of 488) This second Astrios is essentially identical to the first Astrios listed above with one major difference. It is not housed inside a Bioproect Hood but does have a basic biohazard containment system. The lasers and detectors, index sorting, auto sort setup and sort monitoring, single cell deposition, and temperature control are all identical to the other Astrios. If sample sterility is of utmost importance, consider running samples with Lynn using her Tissue culture hood-contained Astrios sorter. View or Download Instrument Configuration4 Lasers: 405, 488, 561, and 638nm
Parameters: 12 fluorescent detectors plus one Side Scatter and one Forward Scatter, both FSC and SSC are detected off of 488nm laser. The Sony MA900 is available for self-use for trained users. It features a highly automated setup procedure and disposable microfluidic chip design available in 70μm, 100μm, and 130μm sizes in order to sort a wide variety of cell types. Biocontainment in a custom designed Class II Baker cabinet permits sorting of BSL2/2+ level samples. System software supports sorting into tubes (up to four different populations simultaneously), as well as 96- and 384-well plates with index sorting to identify individual cells during single cell sorting. View or Download Instrument Configuration4 Lasers: 405, 488, 561, and 638nm
Parameters: 6 fluorescent detectors plus one Side Scatter and one Forward Scatter, both FSC and SSC are detected off of 488nm laser. The Sony SH800 is available for self-use for trained users. It has all the capabilities of the Sony MA900 except it can sort only up to 2 different populations simultaneously into tubes and can detect up to 6 fluorescent parameters. It is housed within a biosafety cabinet to support BSL2/2+ biosafety level sorts. View or Download Instrument Configuration2 Lasers: 488 and 633nm
Parameters: 9 fluorescent detectors plus one Side Scatter and one Forward Scatter, both off of 488nm laser This sorter was purchased in 2002 as a joint venture between the DCI, the School of Medicine, and the Department of Immunology. It is extremely versatile for multi parameter sorting. It can sort up to four populations simultaneously into tubes, as well as one-way sorting into 96 well plates. View or Download Instrument Configuration
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