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Submit Biosafety & Cell Sorting Questionnaire
Read/Sign our Data Management and Sharing Policy (DMSP)

Our Address:
Edwin Jones Bldg. Room#306
207 Research Dr, Durham, NC 27710

Resource Location:
Astrios Cell Sorters: 336 Jones
Diva Cell Sorter: 307 Jones
Sony SH800: 369 Jones
Sony MA900: 301 Jones
Cytek Aurora: 369 Jones
LSR Fortessa: 369 Jones
FACSCantoA: 343 Jones
FACSCantoB: 343 Jones
Analysis Workstation: 307 Jones
Main Office: 306 Jones

Contact Us:
Office (Javid): 919-613-7818
Astrios Sorter (Lynn): 919-613-7821
Astrios Sorter (Brittney): 919-613-7836
Diva Sorter (Bin): 919-613-7820
Javid: javid.mohammed@duke.edu
Lynn: lynn.martinek@duke.edu
Bin: bin.li@duke.edu
Ying: yingqiu.guo@duke.edu
Brittney: brittney.ferrari@duke.edu
Group email: dciflow@duke.edu


The Duke Cancer Institute Flow Cytometry Shared Resource (DCI-FCSR) was established in 1979 to support investigators conducting basic and clinical cancer research. The DCI-FCSR provides equipment and expertise to allow investigators to analyze and sort complex cell populations. In the Jones building on the Duke main campus, the DCI-FCSR maintains five cell sorters (two Beckman-Coulter Astrios, one Becton-Dickinson DiVa, one Sony SH800, one Sony MA900), four Flow Cytometry analyzers (two Becton-Dickinson FACSCanto II, one Becton-Dickinson FortessaX20, one Cytek Aurora), and one image cytometer (ImageStream MarkII). Sony and Beckman-Coulter cell sorters are housed in biosafety cabinets for BSL2/2+ cell sorting. All analyzers and the Sony cell sorters are available for independent use following training by the staff, whereas the Beckman-Coulter and Beckton-Dickinson sorters are staff-operated. The DCI-FCSR also provides a Windows workstation running latest versions of FlowJo and Cytek-SpectroFlo software for post-acquisition data analysis. Experienced DCI-FCSR staff members are available to provide expertise in assay development, assisted data acquisition and cell sorting, data analysis, and to train investigators to independently use facility equipment.