Title: Library Associate for Circulation & Reference
Library/Department: Divinity Library
Location: West Campus
Years at Duke: Coming up on 2!
In a nutshell, what do you do at Duke University Libraries?
I have two main functions: I manage all aspects of Access and Delivery Services/the Circulation desk at Divinity where I supervise all of our front-desk student workers. I also provide reference, tutoring, and sometimes teaching primarily in Old Testament/Biblical Studies and Information Literacy. The Divinity Library has five staff members, and we all wear many different hats!
If you had to pick one thing, what’s the best part of your job so far?
Being able to pair my niche academic background (PhD in Hebrew Bible) with a library job and feeling appreciated for what I bring to the position. That and the amazing colleagues I have been fortunate to land among at Divinity and DUL as a whole.
What the best thing you’ve read/watched/listened to recently?
The Danish novel Meter i Sekundet (The Land of Short Sentences) which is about a young woman moving from the big city to the countryside. It’s a really quirky book and the author has included several songs/poems that are now really popular in Denmark. It really catches the slight melancholy of living far out and far away from a vibrant big city. I am waiting for the movie version to hit an American streaming service.
What do you like most about living in The Triangle?
The bakeries! And the many places to hike around here. After many years in Texas, I also appreciate having four(-ish) seasons.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I am trying to turn my vine covered backyard into a pollinator friendly paradise. It’s going so-so. I have also been renovating several rooms in our house (top-to-bottom), so I suppose you could say my current hobby is DIYing.