Title: E-Access Librarian
Library/Department: Electronic Resources & Serials Acquisitions (ERSA)
Location: Smith Warehouse
Years at Duke: 9 months
In a nutshell, what do you do at Duke University Libraries? I support access and discovery of our e-resources and fix any access issues as they pop up.
If you had to pick one thing, what’s the best part of your job so far? I love the flexibility of my role. I work mostly off-site and with my work projects, none of my days are exactly the same.
What is the best thing you’ve read/watched/listened to recently? I have two great things to share! The best fiction I’ve read recently was the first book in The MurderBot Diaries: All Systems Red by Martha Wells. My best recent non-fiction read was How to Keep House while Drowning by KC Davis.
What do you like most about living in The Triangle? Each part of the Triangle gives me a different vibe and experience and since I’m fairly new to Duke & North Carolina, it’s all an exploratory journey.
What do you like to do outside of work? I like to write fiction novels and novellas, watch movies with friends, and travel across the country solo or with my family.